This is mainly related to Islam. When the Hui people kowtow in worship, their foreheads and nose tips must touch the ground. For convenience, they wear small white hats with no brim. Some Hui people wore sun hats and moved the brim of their hats to the back during gatherings. It can be seen that wearing a white hat with a brim is much more convenient than wearing a sun hat. Due to religious reasons, the Hui people gradually developed the habit of wearing white hats with no brim.
Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, referred to as Ning, has its capital Yinchuan. Located in the inland northwest of China, it borders Shaanxi to the east, Inner Mongolia to the west and north, and Gansu to the south. The Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region has a total area of ??66,100 square kilometers and is located in the northwest region of the four major geographical divisions.