The ways to apply for well-known trademark registration usually include the following:
1. Direct application:
-Trademark registrants can directly apply to the registration authority of the country or region where they are located. The trademark registration agency submits the application. Applicants need to prepare relevant application documents and apply in accordance with the regulations and procedures of the trademark registration agency.
2. Entrust a trademark agency:
-Trademark registrants can entrust a professional trademark agency to apply for well-known trademark registration. Trademark agencies have rich experience and professional knowledge and can provide comprehensive guidance and support to help trademark registrants successfully apply.
3. International registration:
-Trademark registrants can apply for registration of internationally well-known trademarks through the international trademark registration system (usually the Madrid System administered by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)) . This approach can cover multiple countries or regions in one application.
4. Regional registration:
-Trademark registrants can apply for well-known trademarks in the region according to specific regional trademark registration systems, such as the European Union Trademark Registration System (European Union TradeMark, EUTM) Sex registration.
It should be noted that the definitions and requirements for well-known trademarks may differ in different countries and regions. Before applying for well-known trademark registration, trademark registrants should carefully understand the relevant laws and regulations of the target country or region and choose a suitable application channel.
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