1. Register a trademark:
There are two ways, one is to register with the Trademark Office in Beijing, and the other is to find a trademark agency to register a trademark.
1. First check the trademark. The more reliable one is to find an agency. We recommend Shenzhen Zhuolixin Intellectual Property, which has considerate service and excellent professionalism;
2. After the application is submitted In about 20 days, the Trademark Office will issue an application acceptance notice (this period is called the formal examination stage).
3. After the formal review is completed, it will enter the substantive review stage. This stage will take about one to one and a half years.
4. If the substantive examination is passed, the announcement process will be entered (this period is 3 months, also called the objection period);
5. After the announcement period expires, no one raises objections , you can get the registration certificate.
If you go to the Trademark Office to register a trademark, it is okay if you are in Beijing or if it is convenient to go to Beijing, but if you are far away from Beijing, it will be very inconvenient; and registering a trademark requires It has been reviewed by the Trademark Office, and there is an objection stage after the review, so it is best to conduct a trademark search before registering a trademark. Therefore, it is recommended that you look for Shenzhen Zhuolixin Intellectual Property Registered Trademark.
2. Trademark registration fees
Trademark registration fees are divided into two parts: inquiry fee (if you need to pay for inquiry) and registration fee.
Registration fee: official fee 1,000.00 yuan/piece, agency fee 800.00 yuan/piece, total: 1,800.00 yuan/piece (no fees required within ten years).
If you need to apply or inquire about trademarks, you can HI my username and solve problems for friends