In the past years, the Iberian Peninsula has been a melting pot of various cultures and civilizations. It is a piece of land in Europe that has witnessed countless immigrants and the rise and fall of many countries.
The Iberian Peninsula is the second largest peninsula in Europe, with a diverse geographical location and a large size, so it has witnessed the spread of many isolated and distinct cultures.
Some parts of it have long been known for their Existing due to uniqueness, today we will start from the early primitive history of the Iberian Peninsula and understand step by step the detailed and gradual emergence and disappearance of the people of the Iberian Peninsula as we try to reveal the truth behind its modern identity.< /p>
From the earliest beginnings of the history of the Iberian Peninsula, to the Bronze Age, migrations and Roman rule - we will touch on the greatest points in the long history of the Iberian country, Los Mirares is the Iberian Peninsula The name of one of the earliest attested cultures, a fitting start to the region's history as it is an aspect of Iberian identity and history.
This spreading culture originated in the peninsula's most To the south, in the modern region of Andalusia, Los Mirares was the name of this major town and the center of this culture, which flourished during the Chaldean - also known as the Copper Age.
From AD A model of the walled prehistoric Iberian town of Los Mirares, late 4th to 2nd century BC.
(Tuor123/CC BY-SA 4.
0), the town associated with Los Mirares is an unprecedented archaeological find, a clear insight into the early culture of the pre-Indo-European peoples of the region, and an interesting glimpse into the Iberian Bronze Age, located on a prominent hillside Above, Los Mirares was a large city with three strong walls, each of which protected the houses within.
It was home to about a thousand citizens, and as such, it is One of the earliest civilizations on the peninsula.
Over a long period of time, Los Mirares was gradually replaced by the beginning of the Bronze Age.
1800 BC, Algaven Bronze The metallurgists arose and eventually replaced Los Mirares, ushering the Iberian Peninsula into the New Age of Bronze.
Los Mirares and subsequently the Algavon ??were both Iberian peninsulas Important insights into primitive history, as they were part of the so-called Old Europeans.
Old European theory is a concept primarily proposed by Maria Gimbutas, which is based on Europe before the primitive Indo-European migrations. Ethnicity and culture are at the center.
(Locustus Borg/CC BY-SA 2.
5), this is the beginning of the next era - the entry of Unfield culture into Iberia Peninsula.
As the Algar diminished and gradually disappeared, the migratory Indo-European, proto-Celtic Enfield culture slowly entered Iberia in the first millennium BC.
This opened up a new approach to bronze metallurgy and its associated cultures.
For many, the Unionfields symbolized the earliest form of Celtic culture, and as such they were the first to follow. The first step in the emergence of an identity - the Celts.
With the gradual transition to the earliest period of the Iron Age, the ancient Phoenicians also came into contact with the Iberian Peninsula for the first time.
Around 1104 BC, they set out from the remote Phoenician city of Tiro to establish a walled settlement on the southernmost coast of the Iberian Peninsula.
It was Called Gadir, it still stands today as the Spanish city of Cadiz.
It is the oldest city in Western Europe that still stands today.
The Phoenicians This small settlement was the biggest turning point in Iberian history - they introduced the use of iron, a writing system, and the potter's wheel.
These influences soon spread throughout the peninsula, but really The iron smelting was around 800 BC, when the Celts of the Hallstatt culture migrated to this area and mixed with the Unfield people. It is said that they all spoke similar or the same language, and the same
Their cultural influence was quite strong and today it is strongly reflected in the archeology of the Iberian Peninsula and the emergence of Celts, Hallstatt in Iberia in the 7th century Carme
n Lów/CC BY-SA 3.
0), Hallstatt Celtic influence spread over the next 100 years and into the 7th century BC, and the Iberian Peninsula was filled with a wide variety of tribes and cultures, some entirely Celtic - such as the Celts, Garaki, Lusitani or Celtic tribes - and others that managed to remain Celtic pre-Celtic culture, but Celtic culture in Iberia was never 100% complete - they simply immersed themselves in the local people and slowly assimilated them creating a unique blend that resulted in A new, unique Celtic identity emerged and earned a collective name - Celts.
Appian and Diodorus Siculus Both clearly mention the Celts - and call them a people that emerged from a "marriage" between the migrating Celts and the native Iberians, once the early wars between them had subsided.< /p>
On the other hand, some people name the Celts as a tribe or an offshoot of the Celts.
Whatever the theory, we can all agree that the Celts were Emerging as a distinct culture, their identity is unique throughout the Iberian Peninsula, highly influential, creating opportunities - a bastion of Celtic character - and all that is associated with Celtic and more Art and military elements associated with a wide range of Hallstatt culture.
When these elements merged with the indigenous peoples of Iberia, a new identity was formed that was awe-inspiring, e.g. Iberian Falcata - A powerful weapon symbolizing pre-Roman Iberia, a fusion of Celtic sickle design and indigenous weaponry.
Today, this weapon is an Iberian falcata A common trademark of the Celts in the province of Alkata.
(Tm/CC BY-SA 2.
0), under the influence of the advanced Celts, the Celtic The Celts quickly rose to become the dominant force on the peninsula.
The opportunity to become a regional center of power, ruled by a warrior elite, much like contemporary Celtic societies in Central Europe.
Over the centuries, these people managed to evolve into a culture distinct from the Celts.
The Ebro River formed a geographical boundary, and when they were surrounded by pre-Celtic tribes, the Celts The Celtic people lost contact with the Celts - the late Ratnaic Celtic culture did not reach them, which contributed to their unique development in language and culture belonging to the Celtic language family.
If it survives today, it would be closely related to the Celtic and Godiri languages ??of the British Isles.
Eventually, with the advent of the Romans, Celtic identity The centuries of establishment will be under major threat.
Their arrival will be a turning point in the history of independent Iberia. The first Mediterranean power to set foot in Iberia was Carthage.
Initially, when the Carthaginians tried to expand, they encountered hostility from the local Celtic tribes. The Carthaginian army managed to establish a prosperous region after about eight years of war, but the Carthaginians The Carthaginian presence in the Iberian Peninsula would end with the end of the Second Carthaginian War, when the Romans defeated them and ended their presence in the area.
In 209 BC, the legendary African general Scipio led his army to Iberia, marking Rome's official presence on the peninsula.
The first conquest concerned only Carthaginian territory, But over the next 200 years, they were constantly at war with the natives and Celts, who gradually expanded their influence across the peninsula.
Annexations were often met with hostility, but with each decade Roman influence was growing stronger, with a bronze Celtic fibula representing a warrior from the 3rd-2nd century BC.
(Zaqarbal/CC BY-SA 3.
0), one of the best examples of inspiring Celtic resistance to Roman rule was the final siege of Numantia in 133 BC.
The oppidum of Numantia perhaps was the main Celtic town on the entire peninsula, and as such it caused great trouble to the conquering Romans.
Young Scipio the African, also known as Scipio Afrika Merianus, was charged with the task of conquering this powerful fortified town.
Young Scipio with 6
With a force of 0,000 men, they launched an extensive siege of the town, completely cutting off Numantia from the rest of the world.
Trapped, the Celtic Arevasi tribe The men and women had nowhere to go - they were starving to death.
When things turned desperate for them, they sent envoys to sign a treaty with Scipio, claiming that they only wanted the safety of their children and families and the love of their country While resisting, the Arevasi demanded a treaty from the Romans.
But Scipio received orders for complete conquest - and he asked only from the Dedin - complete obedience, despite their pride, the Ares The Wachis refused.
The siege continued, so did the hunger, and finally the trapped Numantian Celts, weak and haggard, returned to cannibalism.
In the end they were forced to surrender, but not before many chose to commit suicide rather than surrender and the town was burned.
Those who survived were sold as slaves, but only after their death in Scipio Victory Victory*** was only then carved into the Iberian siege of Numantia.
(Metilsteiner/Public ***Field), this Celtic form A noble and proud scorn that echoed over time and even today serves as an inspiration to the people of the Iberian Peninsula.
But ultimately, the fall of Numantia became a sign of greater Roman power in the peninsula. A stepping stone that spread rapidly.
All of Iberia was eventually annexed during the reign of Augustus, the first Roman emperor, in 19 BC, around the time of the first Iberian landings in Siberian Africa After 190 years on the coast, and even from the earliest times, the Roman presence had a huge impact on the cultural development of Iberia.
Assimilation was a gradual process that was reflected in all areas of life .
Over time, the Celtic or Hispanic-Celtic language gradually fell out of use and was replaced by Latin.
The spread of Roman culture into society At every turn, new eras were shaped in the rich and colorful identity of the Iberians, whose Celtic identity slowly disappeared in the decades after 19 BC.
Arrived By the 5th century AD, the Hispanic-Celtic language completely disappeared, and with it, the last remnants of the once powerful and distinct Celts, no doubt, existed in the long centuries before the arrival of the Carthaginians and Romans Here, the Iberian Peninsula exudes a unique and amazing culture.
Its primitive peoples left countless traces of their unique worldview, all of which lie in their tombs Attested are the remains of their stone houses, as well as numerous megaliths and stone carvings, a model of a characteristic mausoleum in the prehistoric Iberian town of Los Mirares.
The unique climate of the Iberian Peninsula (Tuor123/CC BY -SA 3.
0), a large part of which has a unique Mediterranean atmosphere, has always been a fertile territory rich in natural resources.
This has witnessed countless civilizations With the arrival and rise of the Celtic peoples, they tried to carve out a land for themselves on the peninsula. It was these rich civilizations that connected together to form the Celtic peoples, which stood out for their warrior culture and unique art forms.
Ultimately, these identities form a large part of the inspiring and unique history of the Iberian Peninsula.
Above: The Lady of Bazaar, a famous Iberian sculpture in the style of the Bronze Age Iberian Developed by the Leah people.