While they cannot be financialized and can only be appreciated, the core selling points of digital collections are “hobby” and IP value. Combining it with hobbies with the widest audience can create revenue, and attracting works with the highest IP value to the chain can increase popularity. Based on these two points, it is believed that the feasible ways to monetize are game skins and auctions.
Judging from the types of digital collections on sale, digital replicas of antiques collected in museums account for the majority. For lovers of cultural relics, they can observe and play with precious collections in 360 degrees without having to queue in the museum. It is indeed a pleasure to visit through the glass display case. It is worth paying less than 20 yuan for this and getting a limited and exclusive digital replica.
However, there are still a small number of cultural relics that can be easily digitized and have a certain degree of public appeal, so artists' paintings are also an important source of digital collections. People have an inherent aesthetic tendency when appreciating paintings. It is more difficult to judge the value of contemporary art works that have not accumulated over time.