Maybe you can't measure the authenticity of a commodity when shopping in Taobao. If it is genuine, you need production authorization not only in the factory, but also in the market, so if you can't get the sales authorization, even if the seller sells genuine products, you will still keep your attitude. Although there are many fakes, there must be genuine ones.
The so-called power of attorney, if the goods belong to the copyright of European and American countries, must be authorized by the brand owner company. Most of the original production licenses of factories are applied by intermediate customers to the copyright owners, but if the licenses are sold in the real market, not many people may be eligible to apply. In reality, Tmall is only registered in the Industrial and Commercial Bureau in the name of a company, mostly shell companies, and there is no real entity company. Then use this registration number to successfully enter Tmall in Taobao. There is no so-called genuine product in JD.COM Mall. Moreover, the variety of goods is limited, there is no selectivity, the price is too high, and the cost performance is too low. Small and medium-sized commodities are not competitive in JD.COM, and their necessary major should be electrical products, while others are not.
In order to distinguish the authenticity of goods, we must first observe the quality of goods; Secondly, the genuine price on Taobao is probably 1/2 or1/3 of the market price; Third, it is an important channel to buy goods. Genuine products can only be produced in regular factories, while fake products are unlicensed private processing factories.
For example; Someone is in the glasses industry, and all his friends are the heads of the glasses factory, and the supply of this factory is genuine authorized goods. The factory produced 10000 pairs of genuine products, and the guests only received 9800 pairs of glasses, and these 200 pairs of glasses were left in the factory for the factory to handle. Because this person and the factory director are friends, it is easy to use this channel to get the genuine products sold in the market, because we habitually think that the network is 650. It's actually an atmosphere.
Some Taobao sellers will tell you the truth when you try to test each other's authenticity and high imitation, so that you can clearly understand the consumption. But the other party may not have the sales authorization.