The enterprises that need to register the 35th class trademark include advertising companies, planning companies, design companies and other cultural and creative services; Import and export trading companies, e-commerce and other sales trading services; Business management consulting service companies; Pharmacy, hospital pharmacy, etc.; Headhunting companies, recruitment services and personnel management companies; Accounting and finance company; Secretary and office service type company.
Extended information:
Category 35 of trademark classification: advertising; Commercial operation; Business management; Office affairs. The thirty-fifth category mainly includes services provided by individuals or organizations, whose main purposes are:
(1) to help the operation or management of commercial enterprises;
(2) to help the management of business activities or business functions of industrial and commercial enterprises; And the services provided by the advertising department for various commodities or services, aiming at advertising to the public through various modes of communication.
This category includes:
-classifying various commodities (except transportation) for others so that customers can see and buy them; This service can be provided by retail and wholesale stores through mail order catalogues or electronic media, such as through websites or TV shopping programs;
-services related to registration, transcription, writing, compilation, or systematization of written communication and records, and compilation of mathematical or statistical data;
-the service of advertising units and the service of distributing instructions or samples directly or by mail; This category may involve advertisements related to other services, such as bank lending or radio advertising services.
In particular, this category does not include:
—— services that are not directly related to the operation or management of industrial and commercial enterprises (refer to the alphabetical service classification table).