Look at the price first. Generally, Jordan Sports' genuine sneakers are above 200 yuan, and this season's new products may be around 400 yuan. If the price is particularly low, it is likely to be fake shoes.
Judging from the smell, when new shoes are just opened, they will have a strong smell of new shoes. The source of these smells is the glue used in shoes. Jordan Sports' genuine sneakers are made of high-quality glue, so although there will be a smell, there will be no pungent feeling.
From the sense of feet, Jordan Sports' genuine sports shoes will have a good sense of package, provided that the size is appropriate. The specific description is that no matter which direction the foot is forced, you can feel the support of the shoes on the foot, not too soft or too hard.
According to the website inspection, Jordan Sports official website has a special anti-counterfeiting inquiry page, which can be inquired by entering the inquiry code. All genuine products can find the corresponding product information.