There are 45 categories of goods and services, and the trademark registration adopts "one category and one standard", that is, when applying for a trademark, only batches or categories designated for protection can be selected in the same category. If it is cross-category, you need to apply separately.
Every commodity or service is divided into many similar categories. When registering a trademark, goods or services in the same similar group are usually regarded as similar goods or services, that is, your registered trademark specifies to protect goods in a similar group. Without your permission, no one else may use the same or similar logo on other goods in the similar group. Each trademark application can specify ten kinds of goods or services. If there are more than ten, the registration fee will be charged 100 yuan for each additional one. Therefore, when registering a trademark, you can choose as many products distributed in different similar groups as possible.
Fees: For each trademark, the Trademark Office charges an official fee of 1 000 yuan, and the agency charges an agency fee of 600- 1 000 yuan. Each company provides different services and has different price standards.
Time: Apply now. If it goes well, it will take about two years to get the certificate.
It is suggested that you can find it locally or entrust it to us through a professional agency. Through the agency, you need to prepare documents: the logo you intend to use, the goods or services you intend to use, a copy of your license (with official seal) or a copy of your ID card (in your own name), and stamp or sign some application documents.
If you have any questions about intellectual property rights, you are welcome to consult: Beijing Ding Xin Hongye Trademark Agency, QQ: 5960 14263,,