1. Trademark query, check whether the trademark to be registered has conflicts or overlaps.
2. Submit the application to IPOPHL "Philippine Intellectual Property Office";
3. IPOPHL review (6-12 months from the date of application);
4. If there is no problem in the review, IPOPHL Issue an "Approval Registration Notice" (12-18 months from the date of application) and notify the payment of announcement fees and registration fees;
5. Applicants must pay relevant fees within 2 months after receiving the notice;
6. Trademark announcement;
7. Third-party objection (within 30 days from the date of announcement issued by the Intellectual Property Office);
8. If there is no third-party objection during the announcement period If three parties object, the Intellectual Property Office will register the trademark and issue a registration certificate about 3-5 months after the announcement period.