It is fake
It is a high imitation product. If you don’t believe it, if you compare it carefully after getting the spot product, there will definitely be subtle differences. It’s either the color, the style, the logo, the material, or the sole. In short, it’s so subtle that you don’t notice it.
Any high imitation product on Taobao has this characteristic.
Counterfeiting of a brand is brand infringement, and according to the "Trademark Law", the penalty is less than 500,000 yuan; while design patent infringement, according to the "Patent Law", the infringement compensation is up to 1 million. In fact, in judicial practice, the compensation for appearance infringement is much higher than that for brand infringement.
The so-called "commitment to counter inspection" means that when you go to the counter to inspect the goods you purchased online, you will find many obstacles. First of all, the counter may not be willing to help you inspect it. Secondly, the sales staff at the counter do not belong to the design department, so the inspection is not convincing. Thirdly, even if the counter staff tells you that it is a counterfeit product, if you take the product to the merchant to return it, the merchant will ask you to return it. You issue a certificate of inspection. This certificate cannot be issued by a counter. It is only valid if it is issued by the design department or technical department and stamped with an official seal.
Think about it, you just bought something worth a hundred or so yuan, is it worth spending so much time to issue an inspection certificate?
You get what you pay for, this is an unbreakable truth. Even if the profits are huge, businesses will not make such huge profit concessions. Buyers want to save money in their pockets, why don’t sellers want to go out of their way to drain money out of your pockets? The cost is 150, and the counter is 950. It is also cheaper for merchants to sell it for 900, and it is also cheaper to sell it for 200. As a merchant, how would you choose? Have you ever seen the "bankruptcy sales" stores on the street? Usually they have been bankrupt for several years and are still using loudspeakers to advertise their small profits.
Buyers can never be counted as sellers. The only difference lies in the buyer's self-psychological comfort.