Second, the purpose of trademark registration is to distinguish products, and the public may not necessarily accept such trademarks. Popular nouns will attract public attention, but they may not be translated into purchasing power. In addition, blindly registering trademarks will also cause waste of resources. It is difficult to build a successful brand by blindly following the trend, and it is better to be rational in this respect.
3. Which marks in the Trademark Law cannot be registered as trademarks?
1, which is the same as or similar to the national name, national flag, national emblem, military flag and medal of People's Republic of China (PRC), and the same as the names and graphics of specific place names or landmark buildings where the central state organs are located;
2. It is identical with or similar to the name, national flag, national emblem and military flag of a foreign country, unless it is approved by the government of that country;
3. It is identical with or similar to the name, flag and emblem of an intergovernmental international organization, except that it is recognized by the organization or is not easy to mislead the public;
4. It is identical with or similar to the official marks and inspection marks indicating the implementation of control and guarantee, unless authorized;
5, and the "Red Cross", "Red Crescent" name, logo is the same or similar;
6. Ethnic discrimination;
7. Exaggerated propaganda and deception;
8, harmful to socialist morality or have other adverse effects.