Trademark transfer means that the trademark owner transfers his registered trademark right or trademark application right to another party, and the subject matter of the transfer can be all or part of the trademark rights. Trademark transfer can be paid or unpaid, and to a certain extent, it can help trademark owners realize effective business operation and market competition.
Trademark transfer generally includes the following steps: determining the content of the transferred trademark, evaluating the trademark, signing the trademark transfer agreement, handling the transfer procedures, and applying to the Trademark Office for a certificate of change. Trademark owners should pay attention to the fact that trademark transfer involves many legal issues and can only be carried out after decision-making and careful consideration.
The other party to trademark transfer can be an individual or an enterprise, which usually involves commercial activities such as the use, production and sales of trademarks. However, it should be noted that trademark transfer must comply with the provisions of laws and regulations, and there is no too bad influence. Trademark owners should seek professional legal advice when transferring trademarks to ensure the legality and effectiveness of trademark transfer.