A: It depends on how they are allowed to use it. There are three ways to use a registered trademark: 1 Exclusive license: the licensor grants the licensee the right to use the registered trademark in a certain way within the agreed period and area. Licensor promises to give up its own use and sublicense it to any third party within the agreed scope during the duration of the trademark license contract, and licensee shall enjoy the exclusive right to use the trademark according to law. 2. Exclusive license: The licensor promises to grant the ownership of the licensed trademark to only one licensee, and will not grant it to any third party except for the licensor's own use of the licensed trademark within the time limit and territory stipulated in the trademark license contract. 3. General license: Licensor licenses the licensed trademark to several companies within the same period and geographical scope, and Licensor can also use the trademark itself.
trademark infringement