It's all the same management
Therefore, these two issues can actually be merged into one firm to make some decisions. After all, for some individuals or enterprises, when they register a trademark, such intellectual property usually plays a certain role. Because after all, such problems will also affect some problems that may arise when dealing with some things later. For example, after we register our own trademarks, some social registrations will involve some intellectual property rights.
This is of great help to us.
For example, we involve some words or books in such a trademark, and we will go through a series of notarization. At this time, these two places will be very helpful to us. Therefore, when we encounter such problems, we all feel that some changes or fairness in intellectual property rights are really useful. Some trademarks, including this one, also have very strict procedures when examining and approving, so that we can protect our rights when examining and approving trademarks.
And it is also very necessary for our own patent application, so when applying for this kind of thing, we will also find that some functions between these institutions are very balanced. Let us feel that the rights of some agents between the two companies are very similar.