After these are confirmed, negotiate with the merchant, ask him to return the goods, and then propose rights protection. Some genuine sellers in Taobao have this service (fake one loses ten, etc.). See if there are any sellers you deal with. Although it is clearly stipulated in the Consumer Law, it is hard to say whether it can be satisfied in online shopping. If the seller insists that his goods are genuine, ask him to provide proof. If he can't prove it and doesn't return it to you, he will give it to Taobao, that is, TaoXiaoer, but TaoXiaoer can only help you return it, but can't help you defend your rights. But if you run well, which business should lose a sum of money. There seems to be a regulation in this respect on Taobao, and it will be punished, but I don't know the details ~ (But it must be noted that there is a premise that you can't confirm the receipt, and even if you find Mr. Tao Xiaoer, there is a time limit. I hope I can help you.