After the trademark is approved and registered by the Trademark Office, the applicant will have the exclusive right to the trademark and will receive a trademark registration certificate mailed by the Trademark Office. The trademark registration certificate records the trademark registration number, the name and address of the registrant, the category of goods or services approved for use, the goods or services approved for use, the registration date and validity period of the trademark pattern, and other information. What if the trademark registration certificate is damaged or lost accidentally? Is the damaged trademark registration certificate valid? Can it be reissued?
The trademark registration certificate is a certificate of right that carries the exclusive right to use a trademark. If the trademark registration certificate is damaged or lost, the trademark owner’s exclusive right to use the trademark will be incomplete and he will not be able to exercise his rights. Is the trademark registration certificate valid if it is damaged? What should I do if my trademark registration certificate is lost? How should a registered trademark owner remedy this?
The "Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law" stipulates that if the trademark registration certificate is lost or damaged, the trademark registrant shall submit an application for a replacement trademark registration certificate to the Trademark Office; if the trademark registration is lost, the trademark registrant needs to submit an application in the "Trademark Registration Certificate" A loss statement shall be published in the Announcement; if the trademark registration certificate is damaged, the trademark registrant shall return it to the Trademark Office.
1. Procedure for reissuance of trademark registration certificate
1. To apply for reissue of trademark registration certificate, the person who registers a trademark needs to submit an "Application for Reissue of Trademark Registration Certificate"; if the registered trademark If you entrust a trademark agency to handle the matter, you must also submit a "Trademark Agency Power of Attorney".
2. The "Application for Reissue of Trademark Registration Certificate" to be submitted should be filled in with the approved goods or services and the trademark registration number (the same as those on the original trademark registration certificate)
3. If you apply for a reissue due to a damaged trademark registration certificate, you need to submit the damaged original trademark registration certificate together.
2. Review of Reissue of Trademark Registration Certificate
After the Trademark Office receives the "Application for Reissue of Trademark Registration Certificate" submitted by the registered trademark owner, it will examine in detail one of the items in the application. Series information.
1. The Trademark Office needs to check whether the trademark category and trademark registration number are consistent with the Trademark Office database information;
2. The Trademark Office needs to check whether the name of the applicant for a reissued trademark registration certificate matches the name of the applicant. The information in the Trademark Office database is consistent. If not, check whether there is a change in the name of the registrant or transfer;
3. The Trademark Office needs to check the registration status of the trademark and check whether the trademark has been cancelled, revoked, etc. situation, whether its exclusive rights are still valid.
The Trademark Office will reissue the trademark registration certificate after passing the review.
3. Receive the reissued trademark registration certificate
1. If you go directly to the trademark registration hall to apply for reissue, the registered trademark owner will receive the "Notice of Receiving the Trademark Registration Certificate" from the Trademark Office. , you should go to the Trademark Hall in time to receive the reissued trademark registration certificate according to the notice;
2. If you entrust a trademark agency to handle the reissue, the Trademark Office will mail the reissued trademark registration certificate to the trademark agency. .
After the trademark registration certificate is lost or damaged, although you can apply to the Trademark Office for a reissue of the registered trademark certificate; however, applying for a reissue of the trademark registration certificate requires paying a certain fee and takes 3 to 6 months to process. Appropriate. After a trademark registrant obtains a trademark registration certificate, it is best to keep the certificate properly.
Is the above valid if the trademark registration certificate is damaged? What should I do if my trademark registration certificate is lost? That’s all, I hope it will be helpful to you. Trademark Registration CertificateTrademark Registration ApplicationTrademark Registration Certificate