Instructions for applying for a U.S. patent
Instructions for applying for a U.S. patent
1. Types of U.S. patents
(1) Invention patent (Utility Patent) : The invention to apply for a functional patent must have certain functions or practical value.
If any invention has been publicly published, publicly used, bought out or sold before one year before the patent application date, the invention belongs to the public and no further patent application is allowed.
The protection period of an invention patent is twenty years from the date of application, three and a half years, seven and a half years and eleven and a half years from the date of registration respectively. Maintenance fees are required and must be paid three times. It needs to be reviewed directly. After approval, the registration certificate will be issued and announced at the same time.
(2) Design patent: The invention to apply for a design patent must be innovative (Novelty) and have a special (Nonobvious) decorative or beautifying effect on the product (Ornamented or Aesthetic in Nature), but not necessarily practical. The protection period is fourteen years from the date of registration, and no annual fee is required.
(3) Plant Patent: The invention-creation applying for a plant patent must be an innovative and special work that has been cultivated through asexual reproduction or sexual reproduction. There can be only one patent on a single plant.
2. Necessary documents for application
(1) Invention patent
Instructions and drawings, inventor’s name
Power of attorney (can be (Supplementary)
Affidavit (can be supplemented later)
(2) New design patent
Instructions and graphics
Power of attorney ( (can be supplemented later)
Affidavit (can be supplemented later)
3. Claim for priority
(1) Invention patent
Art. Within twelve months from the filing date of the first application
(2) New design patent
Within six months from the filing date of the first application
4 , Examination process
Invention and new model patents are subject to an examination system. The process is: application, novelty investigation, substantive examination, supplement/amendment, and reconsideration. Invention patents are published early eighteen months from the filing date (priority date).
5. Relevant application fees
If the applicant meets the requirements of small business, including independent inventors, small businesses and non-profit organizations, the government fees can be reduced by half. Generally speaking, independent inventors, non-profit enterprises and enterprises with less than 500 employees can be classified as small and medium-sized enterprises.
See the following table for details:
USPTO Fee Schedule
Fee Code Title 37 of the Code of Federal Regulations Fee Name USD Individual Fee (if applicable)
Patent Application submission fee
1001/2001 1.16(a) Basic application fee per invention 750.00 375.00
1006/2006 1.16(a) Basic application fee per invention (CPA) 750.00 375.00
1201/2201 1.16(b) More than 3 independent claims 84.00 42.00
1202/2202 1.16(c) More than 20 independent claims 18.00 9.00
1203/2203 1.16(d) Multiple dependent claims 280.00 140.00
1051/2051 1.16(e) Additional fee - expired application fee or oath or declaration 130.00 65.00
1002/2002 1.16(f) Design application fee 330.00 165.00
1007/2007 1.16(f) Design application fee (CPA) 330.00 165.00
1003/2003 1.16(g) Plant application fee 520.00 260.00
1008/2008 1.16(g) Plant application fee (CPA) 520.00 260.00
1004/2004 1.16(h) Re-award application fee 750.00 375.00
1009/2009 1.16(h) Reissue application fee (CPA) 750.00 375.00
1204/2204 1.16(j) Reissue independent claims exceeding the original patent 84.00 42.00
1205/ 2205 1.16(j) Reissue claims exceeding 20 and exceeding the original patent 18.00 9.00
1005/2005 1.16(k) Provisional application filing fee 160.00 80.00
1052/2052 1.16( l) Additional fee - expired provisional application fee or cover 50.00 25.00
1053 1.16(i) Non-English specification 130.00
Fees after patent approval
1501/ 2501 1.18(a) Invention certification fee 1300.00 650.00
1502/2051 1.18(b) Design certification fee 470.00 235.00
1503/2503 1.18(c) Plant certification fee 630.00 315.00
1504 1.18(d) Early disclosure fee, voluntary or normal disclosure fee 300.00
1505 1.18(d) Re-disclosure fee 300.00
Patent maintenance fee
1551/2551 1.20(e) Within 3 and a half years 890.00 445.00
1552/2552 1.20(f) Within 7 and a half years 2050.00 1025.00
1553/2553 1.20(g) 3150.00 within 11 and a half years 1570.00
1554/2554 1.20(h) Additional fee-3.
5 years and expire within 6 months, the fee is 130.00 65.00
1555/2555 1.20(h) Additional fee - 7.5 years and expire within 6 months, the fee is 130.00 650.00
1556/2556 1.20(h) Extra fee - 11.5 years and the overdue fee within 6 months is 130.00 65.00
1557 1.20(i)(l) Extra fee after expiration - late payment is not allowed Free 700.00
1558 1.20(i)(2) Additional fee after expiration - late payment is unintentional 1640.00
Hybrid Patent
1801/ 2801 1.17(e) Request for Continued Examination (RCE) (see 37 CFR 1.114) 750.00 375.00
1808 1.17(i) Processing fee, except provisional application 130.00
1803 1.17 (i) Request for voluntary disclosure or re-disclosure 130.00
1802 1.17(k) Request for expedited examination of design application 900.00
1804 1.17(n) Request for SIR disclosure - before notification by the examiner 920.00*
1805 1.17(o) Request for disclosure of SIR - after notification by examiner 1840.00*
1806 1.17(p) Submission of information disclosure statement 180.00
1807 1.17(q) Provisional application processing fee 50.00
1809/2809 1.17(r) Comments submitted after final rejection (see 37 CFR 1.129(a)) 750.00 375.00
1810/2810 1.17(s) Each additional invention examined (see 37 CFR 1.129(b)) 750.00 3750.00
1811 1.20(a) Corrected Certificate 100.00
1812 1.20(c)(i) Request for ex parte review 2520.00
1813 1.20(c)(2) Request for inter partes review 8800.00
1814/2814 1.20(d) Statutory waiver of rights Requirement 110.00 55.00
*Reduced from the basic application fee paid
Patent application extension fee
1251/2251 1.17(a)(1) The extension of Within 1 month 110.00 55.00
1252/2252 1.17(a)(2) Within 2 months of extension 410.00 205.00
1253/2253 1.17(a)(3) Extension Within the 3rd month of extension 930.00 465.00
1254/2254 1.17(a)(4) Within the 4th month of extension 1450.00 725.00
1255/2255 1.17(a)(5 ) Within the 5th month of extension 1970.00 985.00
Patent appeal/conflict fee
1401/2401 1.17(b) Notice of appeal 320.00 160.00
1402/ 2502 1.17(c) Submit brief statement in support of representation320.00 160.00
1403/2403 1.17(d) Request for oral examination 280.00 140.00
Patent prosecution fee
1460 1.17(h) Request to the Commissioner (Patent) unless otherwise stated 130.00
1451 1.17(j) Utilizing procedures to file for public prosecution1510.00
1452/2452 1.17(i) Requesting the restoration of an application that cannot avoid abandonment 110.00 55.00
1453/2453 1.17(m ) Request for reinstatement of unintentionally abandoned application 1300.00 650.00
1454 1.17(t) Acceptance of priority (right) unintentionally delayed claims 1300.00
1455 1.18(e) Regarding patents Application for period adjustment 200.00
1456 1.18(f) Request to restore the reduced period 400.00
1457 1.20(j)(1) Extension of patent term 1120.00
1458 1.20(j)(2) Original application for temporary extension (see 37 CFR 1.790) 420.00
1459 1.20(j)(3) Subsequent application for temporary extension (see 37 CFR 1.790) 1.790) 220.00
PCT Fee - National Phase
1609/2609 1.492(a)(1) IPEA (International Preliminary Examining Authority)-U.S. 720.00 360.00
1610/2610 1.492(a)(2) ISA (International Searching Authority)-U.S. 750.00 375.00
1611/2611 1.492(a)(3) United States Patent and Trademark Office No ISA or IPEA 1060.00 530.00
1612/2612 1.492(a)(4) The claim satisfies PCT Article 33(1)-(4)-IPEA-U.S. 100.00 50.00
1613/2613 1.492(a)( 5) Application with European Patent Office or Japanese Patent Office search report 900.00 450.00
1614/2614 1.492(b) Claims - additional independent claims (more than 3) 84.00 42.00
1615 /2615 1.492(c) Claims - Total additional (more than 20) 18.00 9.00
1616/2616 1.492(d) Claims - Multiple dependencies 280.00 140.00
1617/2617 1.492(r) Oral or declaration after 20 or 30 months from the priority date 130.00 65.00
1618 1.492(f) English translation 130.00 after 20 or 30 months from the priority date
PCT Fee - International Phase
1601 1.445(a)(1) Transmission Fee 240.00
1602 1.445(a)(2) PCT Search Fee - No US Application 700.00
1603 1.445(a)(2) PCT search fee - prior US application 450.00
1604 1.445(a)(3) Additional search 210.00 for each additional invention
1605 1.445(a)(1) Preliminary examination fee - ISA is US 490.00
1606 1.445(a)(1) Preliminary examination fee - ISA is not US 750.00
1607 1.445(a)(2) Supplementary Invention - ISA is US 140.00
1608 1.445(a)(2) Supplementary Invention - ISA is not US 270.00
1702 Basic application fee (from pages 1 to 30) 407.00**
1703 Basic surcharge (per page over 30 pages) 9.00**
1705 Handling fee 146.00**
1707 Designation fee 88.00** per country
1704 International search (European Patent Office) 936.00**
* *Due to exchange rate fluctuations, World Intellectual Property Organization and European Patent Office fees are subject to cyclical changes. For current prices, please refer to the official bulletin of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
Patent Service Fees
8001 1.19(a)(1)(i) Non-color printed copies of patents, regular service, sent via U.S. Postal Service, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office mailbox, or electronic media 3.00
8003 1.19(a )(2) Color printed copy of a plant patent 15.00
8004 1.19(a)(3) Color copy of a patent (different from a plant patent) or SIR with color drawings 25.00
8005 1.19(a)(1)(i) Patent Application Publication (PAP) 3.00
8007 1.19(b)(1)(ii) Certified copy of patent application, local expedited service 20.00
8008 1.19(b)(2)(i) Copy of patent with folder and 400 files or few pages 200.00
8009 1.19(b)(2)(ii) Surcharge 40.00 for each additional 100 pages or parts thereof
8010 1.19(b)(2)(iii) Surcharge for patent certificate with folder and table of contents 25.00
8011 1.19 (b)(3)(i) Copies of the first disc of folders and files in a single order 55.00
8012 1.19(b)(3)(ii) As per 1.19(b)( 3)(i) 15.00 per disc added to a single sequential arrangement
8013 1.19(b)(4) Certified or uncertified copies of documents, except as specified 25.00
8014 1.19(b)(5) Assignment records, bibliographic abstracts and certifications, 25.00 per patent
8904 1.19(c) Library services 50.00
8015 1.19(d) United States Patent and SIRs Subclassification Table 3.00
8016 1.19(e) Uncertified maintenance payment status 10.00
8017 1.19(f) Copy of non-U.S. documents 25.00
8018 1.21(c) Public document submission fee 10.00
8019 1.21(d)
Rent for local delivery mailbox, 50.00 for the whole year
8020 1.21(e) International search report 40.00
8902 1.21(g) Self-service copying fee, 0.25 per page
8021 1.21(h) Recording of each patent assignment, agreement or other document, 40.00 per property right
8022 1.21(i) Publication in the Official Gazette 25.00
8023 1.21(j) Labor fee, 40.00 for 1 hour or less
8024 1.21(k) Other services not specifically mentioned, except labor fee, are at cost price
8025 1.21(l) Application for waiver is reserved 130.00
8026 1.21(n) Handling fee for incomplete or improper application 130.00
8027 1.296 SIR withdrawal handling fee 130.00
Patent registration fee
9001 1.21(a)(1)(i) Application fee (non-refundable) 40
9002 1.21(a)(1)(ii) Registration review fee 310
9003 1.21(a)(2) Practice Registration 100
9004 1.21(a)(3) Practice Restoration 40
9005 1.21(a)(4) Premium Standard Copy of Certificate 10
9006 1.21(a)(4) Certificate of Quality Standards - (Framework applicable) 20
9007 1.21(a)(5) Director, Office of Registration and Compliance Comments on the decision 130
9008 1.21(a)(5)(i) Reclassification of 7 or a small number of issues 230
9009 1.21(a)(6)(ii) Reclassification of 8 or more questions 460
Comprehensive Fee
Treasury Services Fee
9201 1.21(b)(1) Establishment of Time Deposit 10.00
9202 1.21(b)(2) Service fee of 25.00 for balances below the minimum balance
9202 1.21(b)(3) Service fee of 25.00 for signature time deposits below the minimum balance
9101 1.21(m) 50.00 fee for processing each rejection or return
Computer service fee
8031/8531 Computer record ATCOST
Trademark handling fee
6001/7001 2.6(a)(1) Registration application, classification 335.00
6002/7002 2.6(a)(2) According to 1(c) Claim to submit modifications, 100.00 per category
6003/7003 2.6(a)(3) Submit instructions for use according to 1(d)(1), 100.00 per category
6004/7004 2.6 (a)(4) Six-month extension of time for filing a request to submit instructions for use under 1(d)(1), 150.00 per category
6005 2.6(a)(15) Filed to the Director Request 100.00
6006 2.6(a)(19) Divisional Application, each new application created (document
folder) 100.00
6201/7201 2.6(a)(5) Renewal application, 400.00 per category
6203/7203 2.6(a)(6) Renewal submitted during the grace period Extension application surcharge, 100.00 per category
6204 2.6(a)(21) Correction of defects in a renewal application 100.00
6205/7205 2.6(a)(12) Submit 8 Affidavits, 100.00 each type
6206/7206 2.6(a)(14) Affidavits filed during grace period surcharge, 100.00 each type
6207 2.6(a) (20) Correction of defects in affidavit 100.00
6208/7208 2.6(a)(13) Submission of affidavit, 200.00 per class
6210 2.6(a)(7) Pursuant to 12(c) Disclosure of trademark, 100.00 per class
6211 2.6(a)(8) Issuance of new registration certificate 100.00
6212 2.6(a)(9) Corrected certificate , registration error 100.00
6213 2.6(a)(10) Proposal to abandon registration 100.00
6214 2.6(a)(11) Propose modification to registration 100.00
6401 2.6(a)(16) Request for cancellation, 300.00 per category
6402 2.6(a)(17) Notice of objection, 300.00 per category
6403 2.6(a)( 18) Ex parte appeal, 100.00 per class
Trademark Service Fee
8501 2.6(b)(1) Printed copy of each registered trademark, regular service, through the United States Postal Service, 3.00 by fax or mailbox of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
8503 2.6(b)(4)(i) Certified copy of registered trademark with name and/or status, regular service 15.00
8504 2.6(b)(4)(ii) Certified copy of registered trademark with name and/or status, local expedited service 30.00
8507 2.6(b)(2) For filing purposes Certified copy of trademark application, local expedited service 15.00
8508 2.6(b)(3) Certified or non-certified copy of trademark with folder and table of contents 50.00
85013 2.6(b)(5) Certified or uncertified trademark documentation, except as provided 25.00
8514 2.6(b)(7) Transfer records, abstract of title and description of each registration 25.00
8902 2.6(b)(9) Self-service copying fee 0.25
8521 2.6(b)(6) Recording trademark transfer, agreement or other document, first trademark in each document 40.00
8522 2.6(b)(6) Second and subsequent trademarks in the same document 25.00
8523 2.6(b)(10) Labor fee, 1 hour or less 40.00 hours
8524 2.6(b)(11) Other services not specifically mentioned, except labor charges, are charged at cost
Equipment Quality Act" fee
6991 2.7(a) 20.00
6992 2.7(b) Renewal application fee 20.00
6993 2.7(c) Renewal application Late payment fee 20.00