Excerpted from: /index.html
Please copy the following files to the directory where the running files are located.
First, ODBC dynamic library:
ctl3d32.dll msvcrt40.dll odbc 16gt . dll odbc32.dll odbc32gt.dll odbccp32.dll odbccr32.dll odbcint.dll
Secondly, create an additional subdirectory and copy the MSVCRT.DLL file into this subdirectory.
Three. ORACLE dynamic libraries and configuration files
tnsnames . ora CORE35O.DLL NASNSNT.DLL NAUNTSNT.DLL NCRNT.DLL Nlnt.dll NLSRTL32.DLL Nnfdnt.dll NNFNNT.DLL NSNT . DLL NTNT . DLL NTTNT . DLL ciw 32 . DLL ora 73 . DLL otrace 73 . DLL sqlnet . ora sqltnsnt . DLL core 35 . DLL
Four. PB dynamic library
pbvm70.dll pbdwe70.dll Pbo7370.dll PBO8470.DLL pbodb70.dll libjcc.dll
This is a way to deal with pb and earlier versions of oracle.