Why is the trademark * * * allowed to exist?
Trademark right is a kind of private right. Whether there is a conflict between the applied trademark and the prior trademark is mainly a private right dispute, which should be claimed by the parties through legal procedures. In the case of rejecting the retrial, the applicant and the owner of the cited trademark reached a * * * deposit agreement, which has eliminated the conflict of rights between the parties. Moreover, the applicant signed a deposit agreement with the owner of the cited trademark, indicating that the two parties will not "hitchhike" each other when actually using the trademark, and it can be presumed that they have mutual goodwill. Although it is one of the legislative purposes of the Trademark Law to avoid confusion and misunderstanding of consumers and protect consumers' interests, in practice, the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board will also consider the deposit agreement between the parties on the premise of ensuring this legislative purpose.