Enter the National Trademark Office website, click I accept, enter the query page, select trademark status query, enter the trademark application number to see the status of the trademark. The Trademark Office receives about 2,000 trademark registration applications from all over the country every day. No one can guarantee that others have not submitted identical or similar applications before applying...
Many companies and individuals want to check their own trademarks Whether it has been registered, or to check the trademark information that you have registered before, but due to unprofessionalism, the information found on the Internet is very inaccurate. In fact, there are several ways to check the trademark:
1. Entrust the State Trademark Administration to pay for inquiries.
2. Entrust a trademark law firm (trademark agency) to inquire, most of which are free of charge.
3. Log in to the national trademark query system to query.
The following mainly introduces you to the third method of querying by yourself: preparing information
A networked computer, goods and service classification table step/method 1
Log in to the Liaocheng Shengda Trademark Office website and click on this icon in the lower right corner 2
Click on the icon and find such an icon on the page 3
Click on "Trademark Application", on On the page you see, you need to look for an icon like this 4
Click on the "Commodity and Service Classification Table" to determine which category the product belongs to based on the product you are querying. kind. For example, if your product is clothing, it is in the 25th category, 2501; meat is in the 29th category, 2901; bearings are in the 7th category, 0750; cars, tricycles, electric vehicles, etc. and their accessories are in the 12th category Category, etc. All goods and services have specified major categories and sub-categories. Find and write down the category of the product, which will be used in the following inquiries. 5
The following is a trademark query: return to the first step, you can see such an icon in the lower left corner of the webpage 6
Click on the icon to appear like this page 7
Click on "Trademark Similar Query" (or "Trademark Comprehensive Query"), you can see 8
Just enter it in the modified form based on the category of goods or services queried in the fourth step. For example, if the product you want to query is clothing, you can enter 9 like this
Enter the category and group number, query method, and query content you want to query, and click the "Automatic Query" button below to open the category. All names that are the same or similar to the changed name10
You can query any trademark information at will by clicking on the trademark name11
You can also use the "comprehensive search" in the seventh step. Query. END Notes
The query system must be used continuously. If the click is not used for more than 3 minutes, the system may automatically shut down. If this happens, please start the shock again from step 5. Trademark website trademark query