Whether words can be added after trademark registration depends on the specific circumstances and applicable legal regulations.
Under normal circumstances, adding words after trademark registration may result in changes or modifications to the trademark. The Trademark Registry usually requires trademark holders to submit a change application and review and approve changes to the trademark. Such a review may involve a conflict check with existing trademarks to ensure that newly added words do not cause confusion or conflict with other trademarks.
When adding words after trademark registration, you also need to consider the overall recognition and distinction of the trademark. The added words should be consistent with the core features of the mark and not cause confusion or blurring of the mark as a whole. In addition, trademark changes may require additional fees, and it may take some time to process and update trademark registration information.
It needs to be emphasized that the specific regulations and procedures under trademark law will vary from country to country and region to region. Therefore, before adding words after trademark registration, it is recommended to consult a professional intellectual property lawyer or trademark agency to understand the specific legal requirements that apply to your situation and ensure that the appropriate procedures and regulations are followed. They can provide you with specific legal advice and guidance to ensure that changes and modifications to your trademark comply with applicable legal requirements.
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