The marketing channels of China Resources Snow Beer have been transformed and upgraded nationwide since 2002. Mainly under the traditional channel model, the following types of marketing channel strategies are also adopted.
The first is in-depth distribution. In-depth distribution adopts the "manufacturer-operator-distributor-terminal" model, transforming the original wholesaler into an operator, and most of the sales are directly handled by the manufacturer. Management and service, while Snow Beer's sales managers can directly go to retail stores, restaurants and other terminal sales locations to promote, serve, display and maintain the price system. This is the most important model of China Resources Snow Beer in the main market. Obviously, through this model, Snow Beer has excellently maintained the brand image and market order at the terminal.
Focusing on the in-depth distribution model, China Resources Snow has also established a collaborative exclusive distribution model. This model includes two aspects, operator exclusive and distributor exclusive. Establish a sales team with distributors and manage them together for integrated operations. Both parties manage terminals according to the design method of China Resources Snow Beer. A strategic cooperative partnership is formed between manufacturers. The stability of marketing channels is further enhanced. Enterprises and The relationship between channel members becomes closer, loyalty and trust are further enhanced, and the company's control over the channel is significantly enhanced.
For important retail points, Snow Beer adopts a direct sales model. In this model, Snow Beer's sales managers directly take orders and are responsible for distribution and terminal display.