DingTalk Qidian data comes from corporate credit reporting agencies, including corporate risk data, company official website, company profile. For more company recruitment information, please refer to the company official website. For more company phone addresses and corporate email addresses, you can find them on DingTalk Dingqidian for inquiries
Company profile:
Shanghai Yinjie Trading Co., Ltd. was established on 2017-04-05 with a registered capital of 10 million yuan. The legal representative is Xu Yueqin. The company's address is Room 724Z, Building F, 7th Floor, No. 137 Haining Road, Hongkou District, Shanghai. The unified social credit code and tax number are 91310109MA1G5APR8R. The industry is wholesale of other agricultural and animal husbandry products. The registration authority is the Hongkou District Market Supervision Bureau. The business scope is sales. Edible agricultural products, lubricants, kitchen supplies, audio equipment, fire-fighting equipment, labor protection supplies, packaging materials, office equipment, fuel oil, food additives, communication equipment and related products, computers, software and auxiliary equipment, Wujinjiaodian, instruments and meters , wires and cables, plumbing equipment, gold and silver jewelry, cosmetics, toys, sanitary and cleaning supplies, wholesale of chemical products (except hazardous chemicals, monitoring chemicals, fireworks, civilian explosives, precursor chemicals); intellectual property agency, Trademark agency, business management, wedding etiquette services, import and export of goods and technology. Projects that require approval according to law can only carry out business activities after approval by relevant departments. The industrial and commercial registration number of Shanghai Yinjie Trading Co., Ltd. is 310109000836267
Xu Yueqin, capital contribution ratio 100.00 , the subscribed capital contribution is 10,000,000,000
Senior executives:
Xu Yueqin serves as executive director of the company
Pan Guozai serves as supervisor of the company