HH Troll Headhunter
Zerker Troll Berserker
Cate or Demo Siege Vehicle
Wolves Ghost Wolf
Wyv or Vern Wind Knight
Bat Giant Devil Bat Rider
Doc Witch Doctor
Sham Shaman
SW or Walker Soul Walker
Cow Tauren
FS or Seer Prophet
BM Juggernaut
TC or Chieftan Tauren Chieftain
SH Shadow Hunter
Rax Barracks
Mill War Mill
p>Lodges Soul Home
Totem Tauren Totem
CL or Chain Lightning
Wolves Beast Ghost
FS Perspective
Quake means Earthquake
WW Wind Step
MI Mirror
Crit or Criti Critical Strike
BS Blade Storm
Wave or SW Shock Wave
Stomp or WS War Stomp
End or EA Endurance Halo
Wave or HW Healing Wave
BBV Or Voodoo
Wagonmancer: The wizard’s meat-churning cart
Abomshee: The abominable banshee
Mass Ghouls or Mass Goos: Gluttonous Ghoul
Fiend/Stats: Cave Demon Tokachi Stone Statue
--- -------------
Goo Ghoul
Abo or Abom Abomination
Dessy or Destro or Dest Destroyer
Nec Wizard
Shee Banshee
Stat Tokachi Stone Statue
Garg Gargoyle
Wyrm Ice Dragon
Aco Acolyte
DK Death Knight
DL Dreadlord
CL Crypt Lord
Yard Cemetery
Shop Store
Zig Pass Temple of the Damned
Temple or TotD Temple of the Curse
Houses Slaughterhouse
t Sacrificial Abyss
AMS: Anti-Magic Shell
Coil: Death Coil
Pact or DP: Death Pact
Unholy or UA: Evil Aura
AD Manipulate the Dead
Vamp Vampire Aura
Beetles Carrion Beetles
Carapace or Spikes Barbed Carapace
FN Frost Nova
FA Frost Armor
p>DND Death and Decay
gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt;
Rifle/Caster: Musketeer Witch Priest
Foot: Infantry
Rifle or Roofle Musketeer
Sorc Witch
WE or Ely Water Element
Dhawk Dragonhawk Knight
Tank Siege Machine
Gyro Flying Machine
AM Archmage
MK King of the Hill
Pala or Pally Saint Knight
BM Blood Mage
Rax Barracks
SMith Smithy
Mill Lumberyard
Sanctum Mysterious Sanctuary
Aviary Griffin Cage
Bliz Blizzard(tm) (P.S: Really cautious Ah... the spell with the same name as the company name did not forget to mark it as a registered trademark)
WE Water Element
Brilli Brilliant Aura
Mass Group Teleport
Bolt or SB Storm Hammer
Clap Thunder Strike
Big God Descends to Earth
HL or Light Divine Light
DS or Shield
DA or Devotion Concentration Aura
FS Firestorm
Siphon Magic Drain
gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt;
Night Elf
gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt;
----- -----------
Chippo Chimera Horned Eagle
Archer/DotT Archer Raptor Druid
Drys/Bears Tree Demon master's sharp grasping druid
Lista or Glaive
Dry tree Demon
DotT or Talon Raptor Druid
DotC or Bear Talon Druid
MG Mountain Giant
FD Elf Fire
Hippo or Gryph
Chim Chimera
DH Demon Hunter
KotG Jungle Guardian
Potm Priestess of the Moon
------------- p>
AoW or AoWar Ancient Tree of War
Hall or HH Hunter Hall
Shop or AoWonders Shop
AP or Prot Ancient Guardian
MW or Wells Moon Well
AoL or Lore Ancient Tree of Knowledge
AoWind Ancient Tree of Wind
Roost Chimera Roost
ToL Tree of Life
FF Fairy Fire, Also refers to concentrated fire
MB mana burning
Immo sacrifice
Eva dodge
Meta demon transformation
Roots or Entangle root entanglement
Fon or Treants force of nature
Thorns or TA thorn aura
Tranq tranquility
Owl owl reconnaissance
Searing or Fire Searing Arrow
TS or Trueshot Aura
SF Stars Fall
SS Shadow Strike
Fok Blade Fan
Vengeance Spirit of Vengeance
gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt; gt;gt;gt;
Neutral units
gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt; gt; gt;
BM or Cheesemaster Beastmaster
PL Abyss Lord
NSW or Naga Naga Sea Witch
DR Dark Ranger
Tinker Goblin Tinker
Sapper Goblin Engineer
Zep or Zeppelin Goblin airship
Shredder Goblin harvester
----------- -----
Lab Goblin Laboratory
Quil summons a porcupine
Rof rain of fire
Howl or Hot howl of terror
Cleave split attack
Bof flame Breath
Haze Wine Mist
Brawler Drunken Master
Sef Fire and Earth Storm
<p>MS Magic Shield
Drain Life Drain
Goblins or Factory Pocket Factory
Rockets Missile Bombing
Shortcut Keys
A. - ATTACT, attack
It is indeed the first letter of the alphabet, and the fun of Warcraft is just one word, A! I often hear people say: "You can't A him?"
B. – BUILDING, building
Press B to frame a farmer.
Heroic magic: Archmage's Ice Storm, Fire Mage's Banishment, Demon Hunter's Mana Burn, Watcher's Flash, Dark Ranger's Dark Arrow, Beast King's Summon Bear.
Unit skills: headhunting berserker’s fury, shaman’s bloodthirsty, deer’s dispersal, spider’s burrowing, statue’s health increase, destroyer’s absorption of magic
C. – CORPSES Corpse
The symbol of the undead, this shortcut key is the most used among the undead. Especially that death knight, he was simply born for C.
Unit skills: Human farmer resists violence, Spellbreaker's control summons creatures, Dragonhawk's Cloudcasting, Soul Walker's Resurrection Tauren, Batrider's self-destruction, Raptor Druid's Hurricane, Acolyte's Sacrifice, ghouls and abominations, the collection of corpses by the undead meat grinder, the maiming of wizards, the curse of banshees, the enchantment of statues.
Want to dispel those pesky magics?
Heroic magic: Paladin's invincibility, Warden's Shadow Assault, Dark Ranger's blood-stealing, Pandaren's drunkenness
Unit skills: Infantry's defense, Priest's dispel, Soul Walker The dispelling of kodo beasts, the self-violent dispersing of elves, the corpse release of the undead meat grinder, and the devouring magic of the destroyer (dispelling).
As the main key for healing magic and curbing enemy actions, it can be said to be the most used magic hotkey in Warcraft.
Heroic magic: Shadow Hunter's Healing Wave, Jungle Guardian's Coil, Death Knight's Death Pact (to add blood to yourself), Dread Lord's Hypnosis, Crypt Lord's Piercing, Dark Ranger's Silence .
Unit skills: Humans and orc farmers return the resources collected from their bodies, priests increase blood, spellbreakers steal magic, dragon eagles aerial chains, witch doctors increase blood banners, wolves The knight's net, the huntress' owl post, the claw druid's rejuvenation (increased blood), and the fairy dragon's state switching.
F. – FORM amp; FIRE transformation fire (group killing technique)
In addition to the statue being upgraded to the destroyer, many other transformations are all F keys. Heroes who like to play with fire use F more often.
Heroic magic: Blood Mage's Pillar of Fire, Prophet's Far Sight, Jungle Guardian's Summon Treant, Warden's Blade Storm, LICH's Frost Armor, Naga Siren's Forked Lightning, Pandaren Fire Breathing, Pit Lord's Rain of Fire
Unit skills: Priest's Inner Fire, Mortar Squad's Flares, Fairy Dragon Magic Shine (also a form of transformation), Soul Walker, Claw Drew The transformation of the Yi, the Bird Druid and the Gargoyle.
A unique attack mode for siege units, attacking the designated area and causing splash damage.
Unit skills: shortcut keys for all farmers to collect
H – HOLD Stop
After stopping with the H key, the unit will stand still and automatically attack Enemy units within range will not pursue them. Using this key can effectively prevent the enemy from luring the enemy in depth or perform the "sealing" spell.
I key = invisible, no other use.
Hero skills: Moon Priestess, Watcher's invisibility.
Unit skills: Invisibility for archers and huntresses, invisibility magic for witches
Are these two skills similar in approach and effect? ??These are the only ones that use L.
Heroic Magic: Demon Hunter's Sacrifice
Unit Skill: Shaman's Lightning Shield
If the battle is fierce Sometimes, your right mouse button fails, use it...
N – NOVA Frost Star Attack
Use the most representative powerful attack magic to show the power of the N key Strength.
Heroic magic: Blood Mage's magic absorption, LICH's frozen frost star, Naga Siren's magic shield
Unit skills: Banshee's anti-magic shield
Why a woman? Haha, seeing this round circle always reminds me of their insidious tricks
Unit skills: Witch's Sheep Transformation, Banshee's Possession, Destroyer's Ball of Destruction
Don’t touch me when I transform into a sheep.
Q – QUILBEAST Porcupine
Porcupine is definitely an endangered species in World of Warcraft. The Q key is specially designed for it, but I have seen a video where 2-3 porcupines were killed. I got a chimera, it’s awesome.
Heroic Magic: Beast King’s Summoning Porcupine
R – REINFORCE Enhancement
The R key often does not directly fight the enemy, but shows its powerful auxiliary support effect.
Heroic Magic: Mirror Image of the Sword Master, Fiery Arrows of the Priestess of the Moon, Dark Ritual of LICH, Frost Arrows of the Naga Siren
Unit Skills: Peasants of all races Repair, Soul Walker's Chain of Life, Druid of the Claw's Howl, Druid of the Raptor's Faerie Fire, Wizard's Summoned Skeleton
The difference from HOLD is that if the STOP button is pressed, the unit will stand by and automatically attack and pursue the enemy unit
It is definitely a torture to have the T key used. , I am often confused, it is really a very overbearing hotkey
Heroic magic: Holy Light of the Paladin, Storm Hammer of the Hill King, Summon Wolf of the Prophet, War Trample of the Tauren Chieftain , The Abyss Lord's Howl of Fear
Unit skills: Witch Doctor's Stasis Trap, Mountain Giant's Taunt, Statue's Upgrade to Destroyer
U – PICK UP Ride
Want to ride a hippogryph? Before riding again, you must first determine what race you are, what gender you are, and what weapon you are wearing. It’s really troublesome...
Unit skills: Archer’s Mount, Hippogryph Knight’s Separation, Hippogryph Loading Bow Builder, the Evil Fury of the Wizard
V – VICTORY Victory
After using some quick builds of ultimate magic, one of them will eventually become VICTORY.
The last hotkey that is used frequently and is always related to something flowing
Hero Skill: Call of the Archmage Water Man, Juggernaut's Wind Step, Tau Chief's Shock Wave, Shadow Hunter's Cobra Guard, Beastmaster's Summon Eagle,
Unit Skills: Militia Return to Work, Witch's Slow, Witch Doctor's Scouting Stick, Mountain The giant pulls out the tree, the spider spins the web,
X – One of the shortcut keys for
Heroic Magic: Shadowhunter's Hex
Y – I don't have this key on my keyboard anymore, I took it out. Is it useful? tell me.
Z – I originally wanted to cut it out, but seeing him always reminds me of the mining guys in StarCraft, so I miss him for a while
Micro The shortcut keys for operations are generally tab, esc, shift, alt, space, as well as shortcut keys for construction types such as b and hero skills
Setting your own is not conducive to improving the level, and it can be limited to one machine.
Set your own shortcut keys:
Customize shortcut keys and prompt text for Warcraft III
You can customize keyboard command shortcuts by creating a file named "CustomKeys. txt" file, which needs to be placed in the installation directory of Warcraft III. The entries in this file will override the default shortcut key settings. The only tool for creating this file is a simple text editor, such as Notepad ( Notepad). After creating a custom file in the installation directory, you need to set Custom Keys in Option-gt; Gameplay to "ON" to use the settings in the custom file.
Please Note: Blizzard will not provide technical support for issues related to the data in CustomKeys.txt. Blizzard will not provide support for issues related to the use of CustomKeys.txt. Adding any entries to CustomKeys.txt is at your own risk. Blizzard will not Provide third-party tools, provide technical support for third-party tools, or endorse the use of third-party tools to create or modify entries in CustomKeys.txt. Use any third-party tools to create or modify entries in CustomKeys.txt at your own risk.
Custom hotkeys
The following keyboard shortcuts Data can be customized:
- (Activate) Hotkey
- Deactivate Hotkey Unhotkey
- Researchhotkey
Customized keys must be capitalized. An example of custom shortcut keys for training orc infantry in "CustomKeysSample.txt" is as follows:
Certain actions will have a series of associated shortcut keys. (For example, a melee weapon upgrade will have 3 levels of upgrades, and therefore will have 3 different hotkeys corresponding to each upgrade.) Use the automatic An example of defining buttons X, Y, and Z to correspond to each upgrade of human melee weapons is as follows:
Hotkey=X, Y, Z
Other behaviors have completely different hotkeys for activation and deactivation. (For example, the defense skill of the Terran infantry.) Change the on/off shortcut keys for the infantry's defense skill to A and B respectively, and that's it :
Hero learning skills need to be explained by the "Researchhotkey" entry . An example of using hotkey U to learn the Paladin's resurrection skill is this:
Note that if a key is pressed Assigning multiple actions to the same unit, while Warcraft III is still running fine, will have unpredictable results, and only one action will work. Also note that many skills will be used by multiple units. If a button is used on There is a conflict on this unit and cannot exist. It does not affect other units.
Customize the icon position
------------------- --------------
The following icon positions can be customized:
- (Activate) icon position Buttonpos
- Turn off icon position Unbuttonpos
- Research icon position Researchbuttonpos
The position of the icon on the unit's command panel (Translator: It is the unit behavior control panel on the lower right) can also be
Be customized. The position is defined as x, y coordinates, x=0 is the leftmost icon column, x=3 is the rightmost column, y=0 is the top row of icons, y=2 is the bottom A row of icons. An example of placing the icon for training orc infantry in the rightmost column of the middle row would be this:
Note that if multiple icons are placed in the same position for the same unit, Warcraft III will try to reposition one of the conflicting icons, but the priority of the adjustment is undefined (the results are unpredictable). Likewise Please note that if Warcraft III cannot adjust the position of an icon, then the icon will not appear in the command panel, causing the skill to be unusable. Also note that many skills will be used by multiple units. If an icon conflicts with this unit It cannot exist anymore and does not affect other units. Change the icon position at your own risk (Translator: Always this sentence-_-).
Customize the prompt text
---- -----------------------
If desired, the prompt text can be customized to match the custom shortcut key. The following prompt entries can be Be customized:
- (Activate) Tip
- Untip
- Research tip
- Revivetip (Prompt to resurrect the hero in the altar)
- Awakentip (Prompt to resurrect the hero in the hotel)
Additional prompts for the keyboard hotkey setting example we mentioned earlier It looks like this:
Tip=Train Orc Grunt (T)
[Rhme ]
Hotkey=X, Y, Z
Tip=Upgrade to Iron Forged swords (X), Upgrade to Steel Forged Swords (Y), Upgrade to Mithril Forged Swords (Z)
Tip=Defend (A)
Untip=Stop Defend (B)
Researchtip=Learn Resurrection (U)
-- -------------------------------------
------ ----------------------------------
Translator's Note: The above examples are in English. , if your Warcraft III supports Chinese display, you can also write it like this:
Tip=Train Orc Infantry ( T)
Hotkey=X, Y, Z
Tip=Upgrade to Iron Sword (X), Upgrade to Steel Sword ( Y), upgrade to Precious Metal Sword (Z)
Tip=Defense (A)
Untip=Cancel defense (B)
Researchtip=Learn Resurrection (U)
-------------------------- -------------
----------------------------- ---------
Character color coding in prompts
-------------------------- ------------------
A single character or a group of characters can be customized to display different light and dark colors. This can be done by embedding "escape" in the text. sequences" to achieve. The format of escape sequences is "|cARGB", ARGB refers to the hexadecimal value of Alpha mixed transparent (alpha), red (red), green (green), blue (blue). The escape sequence uses " |r" to indicate the end of the color. So the hotkey in the above prompt is highlighted in yellow, and the entry looks like this:
Tip=Train Orc Grunt (|cffffcc00T|r)
------------------------ -------------
-------------------------- ----------
Translator's Note: The Chinese version is
Tip=Train Orc Infantry (|cffffcc00T|r)
---------------------------------- --------
---------------------------------- ----
Have fun creating your own style of Warcraft III hotkeys and tips!
Translation & Document by DoLL 2003.07.03
Attachment: Initial Education of Color
The commonly used colors at present are 16-bit colors (with the advent of computer processing With the improvement of capabilities, 32-bit color is on the rise). There are 16,777,216 colors in 16-bit color. We can obtain these 16M colors by combining red, green, and blue with 256 levels of color depth (the larger the value, the brighter). The software we come into contact with generally uses hexadecimal to input data, so the color of an FF7F00 is orange: 255 (FF) red, 127 (7F) green, 0 (0) blue. For Alpha blending, transparency There are 256 levels. The larger the value, the more opaque. FF is the primary color, and 00 will be invisible. 7F will make the text mix with the background color, reflecting the transparent effect.
Basic shortcut keys There are:
Basic game interface
Alt-F4 or Alt-q - Exit Warcraft III.
Alt-O - Open the options menu
Alt-h - Open the help menu
Alt-s - Open the save menu
Alt-l - Open the load save menu
F6 - Quick save Games
F10 - Open/Close the main menu
Ctrl-s - Turn the sound on/off
Ctrl-m - Turn the music on/off
Enter - Open the default chat window
Enter - Opens a chat window with everyone in the game
Ctrl-Enter - Opens a chat window with allies
Print Screen - Takes a screenshot as a .TGA format file and saves it SCREENSHOTS directory under your WC3 installation directory.
Esc - Return to the previous menu
Insert - Rotate the camera to the left
Delete - Rotate the camera to the left Rotate right
Mouse wheel: Scroll up - zoom in
Mouse wheel: Scroll down - zoom out
Mouse wheel pressed: - Press and hold to move the mouse to move on the map
Direction keys - to move on the map
Basic game commands:
Left click Click - Select units and buildings, press the command button, and specify the target.
· Select units and buildings on the screen.
· Activate the unit's command button.
· Confirm the target of a command, building or treasure, and the placement location of a skill.
· Use a treasure in the hero's inventory.
· Discard or Give the treasure to other heroes.
· Click on the mini map to move the screen to the clicked location.
· If your troops are mixed, click on one of the units to activate Group of units in order to use special skills.
Right click - Perform "intelligent" actions on the target unit/building, ground, or minimap.
· Ground - Movement When a unit reaches its destination, it will not fight back even if there are enemy attacks on the way.
· Enemy units/buildings - attack the target.
· Own units or friendly forces - follow the target.
· Trees/Gold Mines - Move the unit to the destination (if it is a resource-gathering unit, collect this resource).
· Treasures on the ground - The hero walks over and picks up the treasure.
· Treasure in the hero's inventory - Pick up the treasure.
· When determining the target of a spell, etc. - Cancel the command.
· Determining When targeting a spell, right-click on the minimap - move the screen to the clicked location on the minimap.