There is a relatively famous product in the field of multivitamins, which is Wyeth Multivitamin Tablets. It has become a popular product because it contains 23 kinds of vitamins and minerals. Which 23 kinds of nutrients does it include? What are the respective contents? You might as well take a look at the instruction manual of Wyeth Multivitamin Tablets, a 23-kind vitamin and mineral supplement.
As can be seen from the instruction manual of Wyeth Multivitamin Tablets, the 23 nutrients it contains and their contents are (content in one tablet):
Vitamin A: 1500 international units
Nicotinamide: 20 mg
Carotene: 1500 IU
Pantothenic acid: 10 mg
Vitamins: D250 IU
Iodine: 150 micrograms
Vitamin E: 30 international units
Molybdenum 25: micrograms
Vitamin B1: 13 mg
Calcium: 250 mg
Vitamin B2: 23.4 mg
Zinc: 25 mg
Vitamin B6: 610 mg
Iron: 60 mg
Vitamin B12: 1212 micrograms
Copper: 2 mg
Vitamin C: 100 mg
Chromium: 25 micrograms
Biotin: 30 micrograms
Manganese: 5 mg
Folic acid: 1 mg
It is clearly stated on the back of the box of Wyeth Multivitamin Tablets These 23 nutrients and their contents are listed, so you can see what they are and understand their nutrient contents clearly when purchasing. However, it is recommended that mothers consult a doctor before taking these medicines, and only take them with the doctor's consent.