Where a trademark registrant applies for cancellation of its registered trademark or registers its trademark on some designated commodities, it shall go through the formalities for cancellation of the registered trademark with the Trademark Office. Where a trademark registrant applies for cancellation of its registered trademark or registration of its trademark on some designated goods, and the cancellation is approved by the Trademark Office, its exclusive right to use a registered trademark or the exclusive right to use a registered trademark on some designated goods shall be terminated from the date when the Trademark Office receives the cancellation application. The cancellation of a trademark may be entrusted to a trademark agency registered in the Trademark Office or handled by the applicant himself. The application documents to be submitted for trademark cancellation are: (1) application for trademark cancellation; (2) original trademark registration certificate. If the original cannot be returned, the reasons shall be explained. (3) the applicant's main qualification certificate (4) the agent's ID card and its copy submitted directly in the trademark registration hall. (5) If the application documents are in a foreign language, a Chinese translation shall also be provided. If a registered trademark is revoked, the original Trademark Registration Certificate shall be invalidated and announced; Where a trademark registrant applies to cancel its trademark registration on some designated commodities, it shall reissue the Trademark Registration Certificate and make an announcement.
legal ground
Article 73 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) * * * Where a trademark registrant applies to cancel its registered trademark or register its trademark on some designated commodities, it shall submit an Application for Trademark Cancellation to the Trademark Office and return the original Trademark Registration Certificate. Where a trademark registrant applies for cancellation of its registered trademark or registration of its trademark on some designated goods, and the cancellation is approved by the Trademark Office, its exclusive right to use a registered trademark or the exclusive right to use a registered trademark on designated goods shall terminate from the date when the Trademark Office receives the cancellation application.