Pets are humans’ friends. Because of them, life can add a lot of fun. Pets are really little angels of nature. If you are engaged in the production and sales of pet products, the first task is to register a pet trademark. Which category does the pet trademark belong to?
Biaomei found in the Intellectual Property and Trademark Classification Encyclopedia that the pet trademark categories related to pets mainly include:
Class 3 daily chemical products
0309 - Cosmetics for animals
030196: Shampoo for pets
Class 18 Leather Goods
1806-Animal supplies
180054: Pet clothing
Category 20 Furniture
2009-Animal Products
200008: Household Pet Box
200008: Household Pet Nest Box< /p>
200271: Pet cushion
Class 21 kitchen sanitary ware
2114-Animal and plant equipment not belonging to other categories
210302: Household pet cage
210302: Cage for household pets
210306: Straw box (tray) for pets
210306: Waste box (tray) for pets
< p>210306: Small dishes for petsClass 28 Sports Equipment
280004: Domestic pet toys
Category 31 feed seeds
3108-Animal feed
310138:Pet food
310138:Pet food
310142:Pet Beverages
3110-Hay products for animal habitats
310146: Sandpaper for pets (for bedding)
310147: Fragrant sand for pets
Class 44 Medical Horticulture
4403-Providing Services to Animals
440173: Pet Breeding
Class 45 Social Services
4501-Safety Services
450198: Temporary Care of Pets
4502-Provision of Personnel Services
450198: Temporary Care of Pets
That’s it Intellectual Property introduces to you the content of "Which category does the pet trademark belong to?" If you have any other questions, you are welcome to log in to Intellectual Property for free online consultation. If you want to successfully register a trademark at one time, you must classify your products and services into the correct category. Pet products trademark trademark registration category trademark registration application