Iphone playing apple logo tutorial
1. Because there is no built-in Apple symbol in the iphone system, we need to add it manually in the system first. First, please open the settings icon on the iphone home screen.
2. Next, click the General column in the settings list.
3. In the general list, please find and click on the keyboard bar.
4. Then, in the list of keyboard settings, you can see that there is a user dictionary option, which allows us to add some phrases or phrases to the iphone. We can use it to add Apple Logo icon to iphone, and click Enter.
5. Then in the user dictionary interface, please click the+button in the upper right corner to add a new' phrase.
6. Then, when adding a dictionary, we need to manually enter two options: phrase and code. In the phrase bar, please copy this symbol to the iphone and paste it as a phrase. As for the input code here, you can define your favorite alphabetic phrase, noting that only English is supported.
7. After input, please click the Save button in the lower right corner to save the new dictionary phrase we set.
8. Next, let's find a place where we can type on the iphone and enter the input code set between us on the keyboard. Here is the set app, and then we can see that the Apple icon appears in the candidate column.