Based on the trademark structure, it can be roughly divided into 9 categories, including word trademarks, graphic trademarks, letter trademarks, digital trademarks, three-dimensional logo trademarks, color combination trademarks, overall combination trademarks, and sound trademarks. Trademarks, scent trademarks. Product categories can be divided into 45 categories. The specific contents of these 45 categories of trademarks are listed in the figure below.
For most companies, their business direction only covers the scope of one type of trademark, but many businesses will protect their trademarks from multiple directions, such as some major international manufacturers, similar For Xiaomi, the company must protect 45 categories and protect all Xiaomi trademarks, so that their trademarks can be protected from infringement. They will protect their trademarks from multiple dimensions and aspects. If Xiaomi does not do this, their trademarks may be maliciously registered by others. After malicious registration, for example, Xiaomi Company selling beer, many people will not know whether this Xiaomi Company selling beer really wants you to be developed by Xiaomi Company. commodity. People may buy it because of the popularity of Xiaomi. At this time, if the real Xiaomi company wants to engage in the beer industry, it may be suspected of infringing other people's Xiaomi beer. Just like the situation shown in the picture below, Xiaomi will be put into a passive position.
Xiaomi may have registered the trademark Mi Noodles to expand their new business, or it may be to protect their trademark. If it is to develop new business, Xiaomi may actually make rice noodles in the future, and because Xiaomi better understands what these young people want, it will make products that cater to the preferences of young people, and Xiaomi's products The price-performance ratio is generally relatively high, and if young people like it and the price-performance ratio is high, then the company will definitely make delicious catering food.
If Xiaomi is registering it to protect its trademark, it is most likely to prevent other businesses from registering such a trademark first. Therefore, I personally think Xiaomi’s decision to protect its trademark is very correct. I think Xiaomi may protect similar trademarks related to Xiaomi in other fields and scopes. The reason why Xiaomi Company can keep moving forward depends on this meticulousness. The degree of attentiveness to everything determines the success of Xiaomi Company. Therefore, Xiaomi Company will definitely create new brilliance in the business together. .
According to the trademark structure, Xiaomi still needs to protect or register many more trademarks. The task of protecting trademarks is long and arduous. I hope Xiaomi will win this trademark battle.