Trademark registration is handled by the China Trademark Office. If it is inconvenient to handle it yourself or you do not understand the relevant matters, you can entrust a trademark agency, including Alibaba Cloud, to help handle trademark applications.
Registered Trademark Article:
There are two conditions for applying for trademark registration. One is the conditions that the applicant for registered trademark must meet, and the other is the requirements for the trademark that the applicant applies for registration. conditions met. my country implements the principle of voluntary trademark registration. Applications for trademark registration must be submitted to the Trademark Office by the applicant. Applicants for registered trademarks should be corporate legal persons, individual industrial and commercial households, rural contract operators, or other persons permitted to engage in business activities in accordance with the law. natural person. In addition, if the applicant does not meet the qualification requirements for trademark registration applications, the Trademark Office will not accept its registration application.
The trademark applied for must meet the following conditions:
1. The constituent elements of the trademark must comply with the regulations, that is, the "text, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, Color combinations and sounds, etc." elements are composed singly or in combination.
2. The basic function of a trademark is identification, so a trademark composed of the above elements must have its own distinctive features and cannot be confused with other trademarks. Legal basis: Article 9 of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China stipulates that the trademark applied for registration shall have distinctive features and be easy to identify, and shall not conflict with the legal rights previously obtained by others. The trademark registrant has the right to indicate "registered trademark" or registered mark.