The evolution of fifty-sound chart hiragana
か行か (plus) き (several) く (long) け (calculation) こ (自)
さ行さ (left) し (之) す (inch) せ (世) そ (Once )
な行な(NA)に(仁)ぬ(NU) )ね(祢)の(Nai)
は行は(wave)ひ(ratio)ふ(cloth)へ(abbreviated form of part)ほ(宝)
ら行ら (good) り (profit) る (stay) れ (property) ろ (LV)
わ行わ (和)を (Far)
Fifty tone pictures of kana Origin
あ行ア (radical 阝) イ (radical 亻) ウ (radical 宀) エ (worker) オ (square)
か行カ (力) キ (several The cursive script shape of ク (the left side of the long) ケ (the cursive script shape of the introduction) コ (the upper part of the self)
さ行サ (the starting stroke of the loose) シ (the cursive script deformation of it) ) ス (the cursive part of the deformation of the must) セ (the cursive part of the world) ソ (the beginning of the pen)
た行タ (the part with many) チ (the part of the thousand is deformed) ツ (川Cursive deformation of テ (cursive deformation of sky) ト (elliptical form of stop)
な行ナ (elliptical form of nai) ニ (elliptical form of ren) ヌ (elliptical form of slave)ネ (radical 礻) ノ (the abbreviated form of Nai)
は行ハ (八) ヒ (part of the ratio) フ (the abbreviated form of the cursive script of not) ヘ (the abbreviated form of the part in the cursive script) ホ(The abbreviated form of Bao)
ま行マ (The abbreviated form of Mo) ミ (The abbreviated form of San) ム (The abbreviated form of Mou) メ (The abbreviated form of female) モ (The abbreviated form of Mao) Cursive script deformation)
や行ヤ (cursive script abbreviation of "ye") ユ (cursive script abbreviation of "you") ヨ (abbreviation of "and")
ら行ラ (good cursive script) The abbreviated form of cursive script) リ (radical 刂) ル (the abbreviated form of flow) レ (the abbreviated form of ritual) ロ (the lower part of the abbreviated form of Lu De)
わ行ワ (the abbreviated form of sum in cursive script)ヲ (the cursive script of Hu)
The Japanese letters are called kana (仮名かな). There are two fonts for kana, one is called hiragana (平仮名ひらがな) and the other is called katakana (平仮名かたかな). Hiragana is formed from the cursive script borrowed from kanji and is used for writing and printing. Katakana is formed by borrowing the radical caps of Chinese characters and is used to record foreign words and some special words. In addition, there are also romaji spelling kana, called "romanji pinyin". Romaji pinyin is generally used for sending telegrams, writing trademarks, business cards, and abbreviating foreign words. The scope of use is gradually expanding. If you want to learn Japanese, you can come to this Q group. The first is 478, the middle is 932, and the last is 026. You can learn and communicate in it, and there are also materials you can download.
2. Kana is divided into four types: voiceless, voiced, semi-voiced and dialed. Arrange the unvoiced sounds into ten rows according to the pronunciation rules, with five kana in each row, and a diaphragm "ん" at the end. The table arranged in this way is called the "fifty syllable chart" or the "fifty syllable table".
3. In the fifty-syllable diagram, the horizontal lines are called lines, and the vertical lines are called sections. ***Ten lines and five paragraphs. Each line and paragraph is given a pseudonym. For example, あいうえお is called あ行, かきくけこ is called か行, あかさたなはまやらわ is called あsection, いきしちにひみいりい is called いsection, and so on. The diaphragm "ん" is independent of the line and paragraph. Japanese dictionaries are arranged in the order of the syllabary, and the endings of Japanese verbs also change according to the rows and segments of the syllabary, so you must memorize the syllabary by line and segment.
Japanese has only five vowels: あ, い, う, え, and お. The other lines have kana, most of which consist of the consonants K, S, T, N, H, M, Y, R, W, G, Z, D, B, P and five vowels are spelled out. Therefore, it is very important to pronounce the five vowels accurately.や, ゆ, よ, and わ are complex vowels.
や, ゆ, and よ are compounded of the vowel "い" and the vowels あ, う, and お respectively.わ is a compound of the vowels "う" and "あ". Kana is a syllable alphabet, and each kana represents a syllable, except that the diaphragm "ん" cannot form a syllable alone. The kana characters of か, さ, た, and は all have corresponding voiced sounds. There is also a semi-voiced sound in the は line. There are five elements and twenty-five kana for voiced and semi-voiced sounds. Voiced sounds are represented by the voiced symbol "〝" in the upper right corner of kana. Khotan voiced sounds are represented by the Khotan voiced symbol "" in the upper right corner of kana. " means. The voiced sounds ぢ and じ, づ and ず are homophones, so there are actually only twenty-three sounds. Modern Japanese has only seventy-one kana and sixty-eight sounds.
4. Nasal voiced sounds When が行Kana appears in the middle or at the end of a word, it should be pronounced as nga ngi ngu nge ngo. This kind of pronunciation is called nasal voicing.
5. Silence of vowels and vowels. Kana spelled with "I, u", such as: き, し, ち, ひ, ぴ, く, す, つ, ふ, ぷ, etc., followed by kana whose consonants are p, t, ts, k, h When speaking, "I, u" is pronounced very softly, or is not pronounced. This phenomenon is called the silencing of vowels.
6. The diaphragm sound: "ん" is a voiced nasal sound. The auxiliary sound cannot be used alone, but can only be attached to the back of other kana, and together they form a syllable.
7. Long sound: The vowel of a kana is lengthened by one beat and is pronounced as long sound. The marking method is: add あ after あdankana, add い after いdankana, add う after うdankana, add い or え after えdankana, and use long sounds after おdankana. The symbol "-" indicates. Roman characters are represented by "∧" or "-" symbols on the letters.
When pronouncing, use a certain part of the pronunciation organ to block the airflow to form a short pause. , and then make the air flow out quickly. This sound is called a susceptibility sound. The susceptibility sound can only be expressed by the small character "つ" in front of the four-line kana of か, さ, た, and ぱ. Acoustic symbols.
8. The sound formed by the long sound い and the complex vowels や, ゆ, and よ is called the 勗 sound. (Written horizontally, it should be on the lower side.) Although there are two kana in the 拗 sound, they must be pronounced as one syllable and occupy one beat. There are 36 拗 sound in total, because three of them have the same pronunciation. There are only thirty-three sounds. The long sound of や拗 sound is represented by "あ", and the long sound of ゆ拗 sound and よ拗 sound are represented by う. When the obsessive sound is followed by an obsessive sound, it forms an abault sound.
When the oblique sound is followed by a distended sound, it forms an abault sound.