(1) The examiner of the Trademark Office will conduct a substantive examination of the trademark: mainly focusing on whether the trademark is registrable, preventing the occurrence of identical or similar trademarks to previously registered trademarks, and whether there are any prohibited uses that violate the trademark law. Terms and other phenomena will be reviewed. If the trademark fails the examination, the examiner will notify the applicant in writing stating the reasons for rejection. Applicants must submit for review within the specified time limit, and those who miss the time will be deemed to have given up.
(2) After review, if the examiner believes that the trademark application can be registered, an announcement will be published in the official trademark bulletin. Enter the 3-month objection period.
(3) If there is no objection, the trademark applied for will be approved and a registration certificate will be issued. If the entire registration process goes smoothly, it will take about one to one and a half years.