Detailed information of the trademark
Trade name Yurio; URIO trademark prefix trademark English URIO
Trademark Chinese Yulio trademark digital trademark pinyin URIO p>
Registration number/Application number 4539097 International classification number 14 Application date 2005-3-15
Applicant name (Chinese) Wenzhou Jinba Watch Industry Co., Ltd. Applicant location (Chinese) Zhejiang Province No. 50, Qiaonan Road, Qiaotou Town, Yongjia County
Applicant Name (English) Applicant Location (English)
Trademark Image Goods/Service List [1404: Watch; Clock;]
[1401: Unprocessed or semi-processed precious metals;]
[1402: Imitation gold finished products;]
[1403: Silver jewelry; necklaces (gems) ; Ornaments (jewellery); Keychains (small gold ornaments or short gold ornaments); Tie clips; Artificial gemstones;]
Preliminary review notice issue registration notice issue number
Preliminary review notice Date of registration notice
Exclusive authority period: one year
Applicant 2 Name of agent Wenzhou Zhennan Trademark and Patent Office
Applicant 3 Trademark example Ordinary trademark
Whether there is a trademark or not?
Trademark process. Trademark registration is pending (2005-03-15)
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