You can send an email to Gibson with the serial number in the piano sound control, and they will tell you whether it is authentic or fake. The ej200 should have a missing corner, and the genuine product should be the same! Check to see if the trademark on the headstock is inlaid with colorful shells. If not, it’s fake! The domestic ones have rounded corners, while the Indonesian ones have missing corners. This is currently known.
Appearance: 1. On the front of the headstock, the logo of the genuine E is inlaid with shells (except for low-end products such as special 2). It has obvious shell color and luster characteristics in the sun, while the low-end ones The imitation piano logo is usually spray-painted. No matter how you look at it, there is no color difference and it looks very rigid. Of course, the high imitation E may also be inlaid with shells. In addition, Epiphone's headstock logo was revised in 2011. The "e" at the end of the new version of the logo became a capital "E", and the original "eta" also became a normal "n".