Does Nanhai Pearl belong to a geographical name trademark?
does not belong to. According to Article 1 of the Trademark Law, names of administrative divisions at or above the county level or foreign names known to the public shall not be used as trademarks. For administrative divisions below the county level, there is no clear law that place names should not be used as trademarks. However, considering that place names belong to public resources and based on the basic consideration of balancing public interests and private rights, all applications for trademark registration with place names are strictly examined in the process of trademark examination. The Pearl of the South refers to the local reputation, which refers to the Pearl River Delta region and Hainan region of Guangdong Province, with its back facing the mountains and the sea. It is beautiful and rich, with no severe cold in winter and no heat in summer, and has the reputation of "the gateway to the South China" and "the Pearl of the South China Sea".