Category of trademark registration
The water purifier equipment belongs to 1 1, and the trademarks here are similar to goods and services.
Water purifier brand
National ranking water purifier brands: SKG water purifier, Aihuipu water purifier, Angel water purifier, Hanston water purifier and Weston water purifier.
Trademark transfer fee
The official charge is 1000. If you need to transfer the trademark of water purifier equipment, you can contact Bajie.
trademark transfer process
Application → Acceptance → Examination → Announcement → Issuance of Transfer Certificate.
Suggestions on trademark transfer
Trademark classification of cherry blossom color: 1 1 Class lamps and air conditioners Trademark number: R 1 12 1220 Trademark price: 0 yuan (reference price is subject to actual confirmation) Trademark type: combination.