Some LV bags have trademarks, and some do not.
Personal suggestion:
Different styles of LV bags have different trademark positions. Generally speaking, genuine LV bags will have a unique serial number, which can usually be seen through the serial number. Which country is produced in can better avoid the occurrence of fakes? Regular products need to register trademarks. If there is no mark on the product, it means there is a certain problem. I suggest you must use it in your life. It’s important to keep your eyes open. If there is any counterfeiting, you must learn to report it in time, so that you can better avoid losses. LV bags will never be sold at a discount. Any website sells cheap LV products. They are most likely to be fake and shoddy products.
The Louis Vuitton logo comes from the abbreviation LV of the full name of the brand founder Louis Vuitton. The brand name is the full name of the founder and created the first generation of LV pattern. Since then, the pattern of LV with capital letters has always been It is the symbol of LV leather goods. The Monogram pattern was born six years after Louis Vuitton was founded.
Extended information:
Article 10 of the "Trademark Law" The following signs shall not be used as trademarks:
(1) The same as those of the People's Republic of China The name of the country, national flag, national emblem, national anthem, military flag, military emblem, military song, medal, etc. are the same or similar, as well as the name or logo of the central state agency, the name of a specific place where it is located, or the name or graphics of a landmark building
(2) Identical or similar to the country name, national flag, national emblem, military flag, etc. of a foreign country, except with the consent of the government of that country
(3) Same as an intergovernmental international organization The name, flag, emblem, etc. is the same or similar, except with the consent of the organization or if it is not likely to mislead the public
(4) The name, flag, emblem, etc. is the same as or similar to the official mark or inspection mark indicating the implementation of control and guarantee, Except with authorization
(5) Names or symbols that are the same as or similar to the "Red Cross" or "Red Crescent"
(6) Ethnic discriminatory
(7) It is deceptive and can easily cause the public to misunderstand the quality and other characteristics of the goods or its place of origin.
(8) It is harmful to socialist morals or has other adverse effects. Influenced.
Place names of administrative divisions at or above the county level or foreign place names known to the public shall not be used as trademarks. However, exceptions are made where place names have other meanings or are part of collective trademarks or certification marks; registered trademarks using place names will continue to be valid.
Article 11 The following signs shall not be registered as trademarks:
(1) Only the common name, graphics and model of the product
(2) Only directly indicating the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity and other characteristics of the goods
(3) Other lack of distinctive features.
If the signs listed in the preceding paragraph acquire distinctive features through use and are easy to identify, they may be registered as trademarks.