A sign that the trademark registration has not been approved usually means that the trademark application status is "pending review", "under review" or "objection processing", etc. Specific signs and terms may vary between different trademark registration agencies. The following are some common signs and statuses:
1. Pending review: The trademark application has been submitted, but substantive review has not yet been conducted.
2. Under review: The trademark application is under review, and the trademark registration agency is evaluating whether the trademark meets the registration conditions.
3. Objection processing: The trademark application passed the review, but an objection from a third party was received, and the trademark registration agency is processing the objection.
4. Notice of Supplement and Correction: The trademark registration agency issues a notice requiring the applicant to supplement or correct the trademark application materials.
5. Withdraw/abandon: The applicant voluntarily withdraws or abandons the trademark application.
6. Rejection: The trademark registration agency rejects the trademark registration application and usually gives reasons for rejection.
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