Trademark registration category refers to the category of goods and services classified by the trademark in the registration application.
The purpose of trademark registration categories is to divide different goods and services into categories in order to better manage and protect trademarks. There may be similar or related goods and services between different categories, and the division of trademark registration categories can help consumers and trademark rights holders identify and distinguish trademarks under different categories.
Trademark registration categories usually follow internationally accepted classification systems, such as the Nice Classification System (also known as the International Classification System). The system divides goods and services into 45 different categories, of which the first 34 categories apply to goods and the last 11 categories apply to services.
In a trademark registration application, the applicant needs to select one or more categories applicable to its goods or services. Choosing the correct class is very important for a successful trademark registration, as the scope of protection of a trademark is usually limited to the chosen class.
It should be noted that different countries and regions may have some differences in category names, coding or specific subdivisions. Therefore, when applying for trademark registration, it is recommended to refer to the guidelines and classification information provided by the local trademark registration office or a professional trademark agency.
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