I. Name
An excellent and perfect trademark should not only have beautiful and bright patterns, but also have a bright and resounding brand name. Brand name not only affects the future circulation and spread of goods in the market, but also determines the whole design process and effect of trademarks.
If a trademark has a good name, it can give graphic designers more favorable factors and flexibility, and designers may be more creative. On the contrary, it will bring some difficulties and limitations, and it will also affect the expressive force of artistic images.
Second, the pattern.
Country names, national flags, national emblems, military flags and medals, or the same or similar ones, cannot be used as trademark designs. Some special signs stipulated at home and abroad, such as the red "ten", civil aviation signs, railway road emblems, etc. , cannot be used as a trademark pattern. In addition, when using animal images as trademark patterns, we should pay attention to the preferences and taboos of different nationalities and countries for various animals.
Third, color.
Color is one of the three basic elements of form (shape, color and quality). The commonly used colors of signs are three primary colors (red, yellow and blue), which are relatively pure and bright and easy to attract people's attention. Color is a basic subject that must be studied in industrial design. Color research involves physics, physiology, psychology, aesthetics, art theory and many other disciplines.