To change the size, first communicate with the seller, then apply for a refund or return in the order, and re-purchase the correct size.
If you have received the clothes and then find that the size is wrong, you must first keep the trademark on the clothes to prevent the clothes from being damaged; then contact the seller on Taobao, apply for replacement of clothes, and ask the seller to send the address to He mailed the clothes and exchanged them for a size that suited him. Taobao generally provides 7-day returns and exchanges without reason. If the store does not agree, then Taobao will intervene and use other methods of communication. If Taobao does not recognize and accept it, you must keep Wangwang chat records.
The specific instructions for applying for a refund or return are as follows:
1. Open and log in to Taobao on mobile.
2. Click on the My Taobao option in the bottom toolbar, as shown in the picture.
3. Click and open the goods to be received option, as shown in the figure.
4. Find the order you want to return or exchange, and click to open the order details, as shown below.
5. Click the refund button to enter the refund page.
6. Select the return and refund option, as shown below.
7. Select the reason for refund according to the actual situation.
8. Click the submit button to apply for a refund. Wait for the seller to confirm the refund and send the clothes back to the address given by the seller.