First of all, as far as the subject of trademark use is concerned, the second paragraph of Article 66 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law stipulates that the use of a trademark includes the use of the trademark registrant itself and the use of the licensee.
Secondly, as far as the scope of use of trademarks is concerned, strict interpretation standards are adopted. That is, "a registered trademark shall be used on the goods approved for use". There are two common types, one is that the goods approved for registration are similar to the goods actually used; The other kind of name for approval is broad big name, and the goods actually used are included in broad big name. If the former is approved to be used in "edible starch" products, the evidence actually used in "lotus root starch" cannot be regarded as the use in the sense of trademark law; If the product used by the latter is approved as "clothing", the evidence of use on the specific commodity "coat" can be recognized as use in the sense of trademark law.
Thirdly, as far as the use of trademarks is concerned, Article 48 of the Trademark Law has made specific provisions. By examining the legislative intent of legislators, we can know that the use of trademarks for the purpose of identifying the source of goods or the use of trademarks in non-commercial activities does not constitute the use in the sense of trademark law. In addition, if the trademark user has no real subjective intention to use it, but only uses it in a small amount to avoid the revocation of the trademark, it cannot make the trademark play the function of identifying the source of goods, nor should it be regarded as "the use of the trademark".
I hope I can help you to adopt it.