Honey may be contaminated by Botox during brewing, transportation and storage. More than 80% of honey is sugar.
Honey is a supersaturated solution of sugar, which will crystallize at low temperature, glucose will crystallize, and the non-crystallized part is mainly fructose.
Natural honey is brewed by bees collecting nectar. They come from nectaries inside or outside flowers of plants. Generally speaking, the honey we are talking about is natural honey, and because it comes from different honey source plants, it can be divided into various single honey sources, such as orange honey, linden honey, litchi honey, Robinia pseudoacacia honey, Chinese milk vetch honey, rape honey, jujube honey, wild osmanthus honey, longan honey, wild chrysanthemum honey, ear nectar and so on.
Although bees collect nectar from only one plant at a time, most honey often contains pollen or nectar from several plants. For example, longan is followed by Chinese milk vetch at the end of litchi flower, and Chinese milk vetch is followed by Chinese milk vetch at the end of rape flower, so longan nectar must contain litchi honey, and Chinese milk vetch must contain a small amount of rape nectar at the beginning of nectar flow.
Generally speaking, honey is named after flowers from one or several major sources. Generally speaking, a single nectar is the pollen proportion of nectar source plants, which is absolutely dominant. For example, in linden honey in the northeast, Tilia amurensis pollen should be absolutely dominant, and its honey color is white and moist. But there are also many honey obtained by plants that bloom at the same time, because it has more than two kinds of pollen mixed together, which is generally called hybrid nectar or "hundred flowers" honey.