1. Golden eagle. The golden eagle belongs to the family Accipitridae and is a well-known bird of prey in the Northern Hemisphere. Golden eagles are famous for their prominent appearance and agile and powerful flight; the wingspan of an adult bird averages more than 2 meters, the body length can reach 1 meter, and its legs and claws are all covered with feathers. They generally live in mountainous or hilly areas, especially on the cliffs of valleys and nest on protrusions on mountain walls. It inhabits alpine grasslands, deserts, river valleys and forests. In winter, it often goes to mountainous hills and plains at the foot of mountains. The highest altitude can reach more than 4,000 meters. Feeds on large and medium-sized birds and mammals. Distributed in temperate, subarctic and frigid regions of the Northern Hemisphere.
2. Goshawk. The adult goshawk has a dark brown forehead, top of the head, pillow and sides of the head, white base feathers on the neck; white eyebrow lines with black feather trunk lines; black ear feathers; grayish brown from the upper body to the tail; dark brown horizontal spots on the flight feathers. There are white patches at the base of the inner feathers, the 4th primary flight feather is the longest, 4-5 feathers, the 2nd-6th outer feathers have notches, and the 1st-5th inner feathers have notches. The tail is grayish brown with 3-5 dark brown horizontal spots. There are dark brown fine lines and dark brown spots on the throat. The chest, abdomen, flanks and covert leg feathers are covered with fine horizontal stripes, and the feather trunks are dark brown. The perianal and undertail coverts are white with a few brown horizontal spots. The iris is golden or yellow, and the wax film is yellow-green; the mouth is black and the base is stained with blue; the feet and toes are yellow; the claws are black; the front and rear edges of the tarsometatarsus are shield-like scales.
3. Bald Eagle. The body length of the bald eagle is 85-110 cm, the wingspan is 180-220 cm, the male weighs 3500-4000 grams, and the female weighs 4500-6000 grams. It is a large raptor with beautiful appearance and ferocious temperament. The mouth and claws are very sharp and hooked, and the eyes are keen. Like most carnivorous raptors, female eagles are larger than male eagles. The eyes, iris, beak and feet of adult bald eagles are light yellow, the feathers on the head, neck and tail are white, and the feathers on other parts of the body are dark. Brown, very majestic and beautiful.
4. Sparrowhawk. The upper body of the male sparrow hawk is mouse gray or dark gray, the head, pillow and back of the neck are darker, the forehead is slightly tinged with brown, the base of the back neck feathers are often exposed, and the rest of the upper body is dark gray from the back to the upper tail coverts, and the upper part of the tail is dark gray. The tips of the coverts are sometimes dotted with white; the tail feathers are grey-brown with gray-white end spots and wider dark-brown secondary end spots; there are also 4-5 dark brown horizontal spots; the primary flight feathers are dark brown with white inner feathers. Dark brown horizontal spots; the fifth primary flight feather has a notch on the inner part, and the sixth primary flight feather has a notch on the outer part.
5. Red-bellied eagle. It inhabits mountain forests and forest edges, and is also found in small patches of jungle in low hills and foothill plains, on the edges of farmland and near villages. They often move alone or in small groups, and often rest on the tops of trees or telephone poles when resting. It mainly feeds on animal foods such as frogs and lizards, but also eats small birds, rodents and insects. It mainly hunts on the ground, often standing on treetops and other high places, and when it sees prey, it suddenly rushes down to catch it. Distributed in North Korea, Philippines, Malaysia and Indochina.