The printing process of self-adhesive trademarks is basically the same as the conventional printing process, except that after the graphics and text are printed, they need to be die-cut and formed so that they can be easily removed from the release layer during use and can be reposted on the product.
The main production process of self-adhesive trademarks is as follows:
Printing - hot stamping - lamination (glazing or coating) - slitting - rewinding --Die-cutting, waste removal, finished product acceptance
1. Printing
A variety of printing methods can be used for self-adhesive trademark printing, but most of them use special printing methods for self-adhesive labels. Printing machine, and mainly uses flat pressing and round pressing printing methods. The self-adhesive surface base material is imported paper. The plate used is a photosensitive resin plate. When printing, double-sided adhesive is used to affix the printing plate to the printing plate cylinder or printing platform. The printing plate platform or impression cylinder has no lining and relies on the elasticity of the resin plate itself to achieve printing. Because most of the commonly used trademark images and texts are color blocks and lines, the amount of ink on the printing substrate is large. However, the surface of general self-adhesive paper is smooth and has weak ink absorption. The ink is not easy to dry out and is easy to smear or stick. Therefore, bright and quick-drying ink is usually used, and the room temperature and printing speed must be controlled. The printed labels are generally put on the shelves. After drying, it is packaged and shipped from the factory.
2. Hot stamping
The so-called hot stamping is to heat the anodized aluminum through a metal plate with graphics and text, and then emboss it on the self-adhesive trademark web. Under the action of the metal plate, the gold foil on the anodized aluminum is hot stamped on the printed graphics and text. Self-adhesive trademarks rarely use a stand-alone hot stamping machine. Usually, a self-adhesive trademark linked to a printing machine is used for hot stamping. When using the hot stamping process, if the machine does not have a drying device, a blank space should be reserved for the hot stamping part during plate making, and the hot stamping part should be stamped first and then printed. For example, post-printing hot stamping, because the ink is not dry enough, the contact between the anodized aluminum and the ink will cause poor hot stamping effects and affect the quality of trademark printing. On a trademark printing machine with a drying device, if a certain room temperature, printing speed and ink usage can be controlled, hot stamping can be done directly on the printed graphics and text.
3. Coating
Relatively high-end self-adhesive trademarks are usually covered with a layer of 20-40μm plastic film on the printed graphic surface. The coated trademark printed matter not only has a smooth surface and a three-dimensional effect, but also has the characteristics of moisture-proof, sun-proof, anti-corrosion and protection of printed graphics and text.
4. Slitting and rewinding
When the printed web trademark needs to be affixed to the product with a labeling machine, the web trademark must be printed according to the number of labels on the surface. Or the width of the labeling machine, cut into corresponding trademark paper tapes, formed into paper rolls by the rewinding device, and installed on the labeling machine for automatic labeling. On the other hand, according to the width required by the user, the trademark is cut into small rolls of a certain width before leaving the factory, and the user can directly use it on the machine after purchase.
5. Die-cutting and waste disposal
Since the self-adhesive printing material is a composite material, the base paper and the surface printed graphic material are bonded by an adhesive. When using the finished product of a self-adhesive label, it is attached to the product with the adhesive on the back. Through die-cutting, the outline of each trademark image and text is separated from the blank part without cutting the backing paper. The die-cutting method used at this time is semi-die-cutting. The die-cutting methods for self-adhesive printing are divided into two types: rotary type and flat pressure type. The flat pressure die-cutting method is commonly used in China.
After die-cutting, the surface layer of the self-adhesive material has been cut off, but the backing paper remains intact. In the subsequent waste disposal process, the blank part of the fabric is peeled off from the backing paper, and the finished trademark remains on the backing paper. According to the user's needs, the self-adhesive trademarks that have been die-cut and discarded can be cross-cut or longitudinally cut into single sheets or cut and rerolled into rolls, and finally packaged and shipped from the factory.