What is the brand name of pure trademark? Urgent! ! ! !
You didn't answer my question. It takes too long to apply for a trademark. With so much time, I won't ask questions! A: A pure graphic trademark is a graphic trademark. If you want to add words, you must not conflict with other trademarks, otherwise it will be infringement, so try to apply for a new trademark first. Question: I didn't add words to the trademark I applied for. But take a brand name! Just like apple's trademark is an apple logo with a bite, it is also a pure graphic, but when it comes to apple brand, we know it is him. We are talking about the word apple. Apple has no trademark, right? This should not be registered as a trademark. Is Apple's brand name Apple? Can I give my pure trademark a name? I may not have expressed myself clearly. You got it? Answer: I know what you mean, that is, give your own brand a name, just like Apple's ipad iphone or something, but Apple is yours, and that word is not necessarily yours, which is the infringement of ipad in China, so when you want to give your own brand a name, it can't be the same as other brand names. Of course, you can use it if you want, but your name must not be someone else's registered trademark, so I ask you to apply for a trademark. The general agent will help you decide whether the brand name can be used in the early stage. If you can, you can also use it as a brand name first. Anyway, unregistered trademark names in China are not protected by law, but ask: Oh! I see what you mean! Thank you, but I still have a question, that is, will I use this registered trademark and my own name, and will I be asked such a question: Your registered trademark is pure graphics, so when I cooperate with other companies (such as attracting investment), where did your brand name come from? (The premise is that the brand name I want does not infringe the rights and interests of others, but it is not registered. There is only one registered pure graphic trademark. Answer: So I tell you to apply for the trademark of 1 name and graphics (the graphics can be the same). Anyway, it's your own graphics, and you won't refuse it. Last question: I participated in the investment promotion of other companies, and the other party asked me to provide my brand name, logo of the trademark and the acceptance notice of the registered trademark. Both the admission notice and logo are available, but can I write my own brand name? Will it not be recognized? Or can we just write graphic trademarks or something? Answer: Isn't it more effective to ask the other person directly? I said that the final determination of anything is not a matter of the other party's words. Anyway, the fact that you are now cannot be changed. Q: Nothing. Have you thought about your brand name? I can check it in the system for you