1. application fee: trademark registration usually requires an application fee. The fee is used to submit an application for trademark registration and conduct a preliminary examination. The amount of the application fee varies from country to country, and accurate information about the fee can be found in the official website of the trademark registration agency or related guides.
2. Examination fee: The trademark registration agency will conduct substantive examination of the trademark application to evaluate the uniqueness of the trademark and its conflict with the existing trademark. Some countries or regions may charge examination fees to pay for substantive examinations. The amount of review fees varies from country to country.
3. Registration fee: If the trademark application has passed the examination and is successfully registered, the trademark registration agency may charge the registration fee. The registration fee is used to issue the trademark registration certificate and include the trademark in the trademark registration database. The amount of registration fee varies from country to country.
It should be noted that the trademark registration fee may also include other fees, such as priority certification fee and objection handling fee. Details and amounts of specific fees can be found in official website, a trademark registration agency, or in related guides.
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