& lt# :
Cls & echo off and. Mode control line =5000
Rem copies the files in the specified directory to the corresponding subfolder in another directory according to the prefix character with the same name at the beginning.
Set # = any question & wx&; set $ = Q & ampset/az=0x53b7e0b4
title %#% +%$%%$%/%_% %z%
powershell-no profile-execution policy bypass "[IO。 File]::ReadAllText('%~f0 ',[Text。 encoding]::get encoding(' GB 23 12 ')| Invoke-Expression "
Echo; %#% +%$%%$%/%_% %z%
# & gt
$filepath="D:\ document download ";
$ folderpath = "\ \ IP \ * * Shared folder ";
If (-not (test-path-liter $ filepath)) {write-host ('+$ filepath+''"not found'); Quit; };
If (-not (test-path-liter $ folderpath)) {write-host ('+$ folderpath+''"not found'); Quit; };
$ b =[Convert]::from base 64 string(" IC 0 tpia = ");
$c=[Text。 Code]:: Default. GetString($ b);
$ dic = new object system. collections . generic . dictionary[string,Object]';
$files=@(dir -literal $filepath|? {$ _-Yes [system. IO . FileInfo]});
$ folders = @(dir-literal $ folderpath-recurse |? {$ _-Yes [system. IO . directory info]});
for($ I = 0; $ I-lt $ files . length; $i++){
$ arr = $ files[$ I]. basename . to lower()。 Split ('-');
if($arr . length-ge 2){
if(-not $dic。 contains key($ arr[0]){
[system. collections . ArrayList]$ brr = @();
$dic.add($arr[0],$ brr);
[void]$dic[$arr[0]]。 add($ files[$ I]);
for($ I = 0; $ I-lt $ folders . length; $i++){
$arr=$folders[$i].Name.toLower()。 Split ('-');
if($arr . length-ge 2){
If ($dic. contains key($ arr[0]){
for($ j = 0; $j -lt $dic[$arr[0]]。 Count; $j++){
$dic[$arr[0]][$j]。 Full name +$ c+$ folder [$i]. Full name;