AJAX stands for "Asynchronous JavaScript and XML" (asynchronous JavaScript and XML), which is a web development technology for creating interactive web applications. According to the suggestion of Ajax proposer Jesse James Garrett, AJAX:
Use XHTML CSS to represent information;
Use JavaScript to operate DOM (DocumentObjectModel) for dynamic display and interaction;
Using XML and XSLT for data exchange and related operations;
Technologies using XMLposite) are emerging, such as AFLAX.
A web browser is a software that displays files in a web server or file system and allows users to interact with these files. It is used to display text, images and other information on the World Wide Web or LAN
etc. These texts or images can be hyperlinks to other websites, allowing users to browse various information quickly and easily. Most web pages are in HTML
format, and some web pages require specific browsers to display correctly. The common web browsers on personal computers, in order of market share in January 2010, are Microsoft's Internet
Explorer, Mozilla's Firefox, Google's Google Chrome, Apple's Safari and
Opera by Opera Software. Browsers are the most commonly used client programs. Web developers should ensure that their programs work properly across all major browsers.
Cascading style sheets, also known as: string style lists, English: CascadingStyleSheets, abbreviated as CSS, a standard defined and maintained by W3C
, a computer language used to add styles (fonts, spacing, colors, etc.) to structured documents (such as HTML documents or XML applications). The latest version is
CSS2.1, which is a candidate recommendation standard of W3C. The next version, CSS3, is still under development.
Document Object Model (DOM for short) is a standard programming interface for processing extensible markup languages ??
recommended by the W3C organization. The history of DocumentObjectModel can be traced back to the "browserwars" between Microsoft and Netscape in the late 1990s. In order to compete for life and death in JavaScript and JScript, both parties launched large-scale Give the browser powerful functions. Microsoft has added many proprietary things to web technology, including VBScript, ActiveX, and Microsoft's own DHTML
format, etc., which makes many web pages unable to display properly using non-Microsoft platforms and browsers. DOM is the masterpiece brewed at that time.
Events are operations that can be recognized by the control, such as pressing the OK button, selecting a radio button or check box. Each control has its own identifiable events, such as form loading, click, double-click and other events, text changes in edit boxes (text boxes), etc. Modern web applications rely heavily on event-driven .
Events include system events and user events. System events are triggered by the system, such as every 24 hours, the deposit date of a bank depositor is increased by one day. User events are triggered by the user, such as the user clicking a button to display specific text in a text box. Event-driven controls perform a function. The object that triggers the event is called the event sender; the object that receives the event is called the event receiver.
Using the event mechanism can be achieved: when a certain state of the class object changes, the system will call the method in the class to handle this event through some way, or the object that triggered the control event will call All registered event handlers for the control, etc.
Firebug is an extension of the web browser Mozilla Firefox
and a debugging tool. Users can use it to debug, edit, and even delete the CSS, HTML, DOM, and JavaScript code of any website. Firebug also provides other web development tools, such as Yahoo!'s web page speed optimization suggestion tool YSlow. Firebug was written by Joe
Hewitt. He is one of the original founders of Firefox.
Grid, also called grid, but by definition, grid is more accurate. Find a more appropriate definition of web page grid system on the Internet
: A regular grid array is used to guide and standardize the layout and information distribution of web pages. The web grid system is developed from the flat grid system. For web design, the use of the grid system can not only make the information presentation on the web page more beautiful, easier to read, and more usable. Moreover, for front-end development, web pages will be more flexible and standardized. If there are many CSS frameworks that support grid functions, you can refer to the article "
Introducing 27 Classic CSS Frameworks".
Hypertext markup language (English: HyperTextMarkupLanguage, HTML) is a language for "web page creation and other content that can be viewed in a web browser
A markup language designed to capture information. HTML is used to structure information - such as headings, paragraphs, lists, etc., and can also be used to describe the appearance and semantics of a document to a certain extent.
HTML was originally defined by Tim Berners-Lee and further developed by the IETF using simplified SGML (Standard General Markup Language) syntax. It later became an international standard and was developed by
>Maintained by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).
The latest version is HTML5, which is the next major revision of HTML and is still in the development stage. The goal is to replace the HTML 4.01 and
XHTML 1.0 standards established in 1999, with a view to making network standards meet contemporary network needs as Internet applications develop rapidly. When talking about HTML5 in a broad sense, it actually refers to a set of technology combinations including HTML,
CSS and JavaScript.
Windows Internet Explorer (formerly known as Microsoft Internet Explorer, abbreviated as
Internet Explorer, abbreviated as IE) is a web browser launched by Microsoft
. As of September 2010, statistical data shows that Internet Explorer's market share is as high as 59.65. Although it is still the most widely used web browser, compared with its peak in 2003, the market share difference is more than 30%.
Internet Explorer supports some standardized technologies to a certain extent, but there are also many operational gaps and compatibility failures
This has led to increasing criticism from technology developers . The increase in criticism is largely due to the fact that Internet Explorer's competitors have provided relatively complete technical support and the application of Standards-compliant specifications has become more and more widespread. .
Internet Explorer is widely used around the world, network developers often find Internet Explorer's vulnerabilities, proprietary feature sets, and lack of support for standards when seeking cross-platform code. imperfect.
The Internet Explorer 9 browser released on March 14, 2011 has greatly improved its support for W3C specifications such as CSS3 and HTML5. This version is also the Internet
The Explorer browser is the first version to use GPU acceleration. The official version scored 95/100 in the Acid3 test, which is a great improvement compared to previous versions. It can be considered that starting from
Internet Explorer 9, the Internet Explorer browser's support for W3C specifications will no longer be a problem.
JavaScript is a scripting language widely used in client-side Web development
. It is often used to add dynamic functions to HTML web pages, such as responses. Various user operations. Originally designed by Brendan Eich at Netscape, it is a dynamic, weakly typed, prototype-based language with built-in support classes. JavaScript is a registered trademark of Sun Microsystems. Ecma International
formulated the ECMAScript
standard based on JavaScript. JavaScript can also be used in other situations, such as server-side programming. The complete JavaScript implementation consists of three parts: ECMAScript,
Document Object Model, and Byte Order Notation.
Netscape originally named its scripting language LiveScript, but Netscape changed its name to JavaScript after cooperating with Sun.
JavaScript was originally designed inspired by Java
. One of the purposes is to "look like Java", so there are similarities in syntax, and some names and naming conventions are also borrowed. Since Java. But the main design principles of JavaScript
come from Self and Scheme
. The similarity in names between JavaScript and Java was the result of Netscape reaching an agreement with Sun for marketing reasons at that time. In order to gain a technical advantage, Microsoft launched JScript
to compete with the JavaScript scripting language. For interoperability, Ecma International (formerly the European Computer Manufacturers Association) created the ECMA-262 standard (ECMAScript). Both are now implementations of ECMAScript. Although JavaScript is promoted and advertised as a scripting language for non-programmers rather than as a programming language for programmers, JavaScript is very rich in features.
Keyword optimization, also called Search Engine Optimization (SEO), is a method that uses the search rules of search engines
to improve The way the target website is ranked within the relevant search engines. Since many studies have found that search engine users tend to only pay attention to the first few entries in search results, many websites
hope to influence the ranking of search engines in various ways. This is especially true for websites that rely on advertising to make a living.
The so-called "search engine optimization" refers to making the website more easily accepted by search engines. The search engine will compare the content of the websites with some correlation data, and then the browser will present the content to the searcher in the fastest and most complete way.
Search engine optimization is a crucial task for any website to achieve success in website promotion. At the same time, as search engines continue to change their ranking algorithm rules, every algorithm change will cause some well-ranked websites to lose their reputation overnight, and the direct consequence of losing rankings is to lose their rankings. The website has an inherent amount of traffic. Therefore, every change in the search engine algorithm will cause a lot of commotion and anxiety among the websites. It can be said that search engine optimization is an increasingly complex task.
It was originally a ruby ??gem that gave CSS dynamic language features, including variables, operators, and nesting. rule. In fact, the real function of Less is to convert CSS that uses advanced features into standard CSS. These are generated when the Web client initiates a request through the mandline interface), or generates a graphical user interface (GUI) program. PHP was first invented by Rasmus
Lerdorf in 1995, and the standard of PHP is now maintained by PHPGroup and the open source community. PHP uses the PHP
License as the license agreement. However, because this agreement restricts the use of the PHP name, it is incompatible with the open source license agreement GPL.
PHP has a wide range of applications, especially in the development of web programs. Generally speaking, PHP is mostly run on the web server, and the web pages browsed by users are generated by running PHP code. PHP can
run on most servers and operating systems, and using PHP is completely free. According to statistics in April 2007, PHP has been installed on more than 20 million websites and 1 million servers.
Query has many meanings. For example, query languages ??are used to interact with extended systems that store data. A good example is SQL used to operate relational databases. Another meaning is that a query string is used as part of the URL to transfer data in web applications. The format of the query string is generally in the form of key-value pairs.
Regular expressions (English: RegularExpression, regex or regexp, abbreviated as RE), also translated as regular expression, regular expression
, in computer science, refers to a single string used to describe or match a series of strings that conform to a certain syntax rule. In many text editors
or other tools, regular expressions are often used to retrieve and/or replace text content that matches a certain pattern. Many programming languages ??support string manipulation using regular expressions. For example, Perl has a powerful regular expression engine built into it. The concept of regular expressions was originally popularized by tool software in Unix (such as sed and grep).
Source code management, also known as version control, is a software engineering technique that ensures that files edited by different people are Files of the same program are synchronized. Software designers
often use version control to track and maintain changes to source code, files, configuration files, etc., and provide procedures for controlling these changes. In the simplest case, a software designer can keep many different versions of a program and number them appropriately. This simple approach has been used in many large software projects. This is a method that can achieve the goal, but it is not efficient enough.
In addition to having to maintain many almost identical program code backups at the same time; it also relies heavily on the self-cultivation and development discipline of software designers, but this is often the cause of errors.
Sometimes it is necessary to have more than two versions of a program at the same time, for example: a program error in a version intended for deployment
has been corrected but not added New features; in another development version, there are new features being developed and new bugs to be resolved, which requires different versions and modifications at the same time. In addition, in order to find program errors that only exist in a specific version, or to find out the version in which the program error occurs, software debuggers must also compare different versions of the program code to find out. Problem location.
Test-driven development is a modern computer software development method. Use testing to drive the design and implementation of software
programs. Test driving became popular in the 1990s. Test-driven development is a program development method advocated in Extreme Programming. The main method is to write a test program first, and then code it to pass the test. The purpose of test-driven development is to get quick feedback and use the "illustratethe
mainline" approach to building the program.
A metaphor for test-driven development. Development can be viewed from two aspects: functionality and quality of implementation. Test-driven development is more like a two-hat thinking development method. First put on the functional hat, and with the help of tests
quickly implement the correct function; then put on the refactoring hat
hat, under the protection of testing, improves code reusability and improves quality by removing redundant and duplicated code. It can be seen that testing does belong to the core position in test-driven development and runs through the entire development.
Unit testing (also known as module testing) is a test for correctness testing of program modules (the smallest unit of software design). A program unit is the smallest testable component of an application.
In procedural programming, a unit is a single program, function, process, etc.; for object-oriented programming, the smallest unit is a method, including a base class (super class), an abstract class, or a derived class (subclass). class).
Generally speaking, programmers will perform at least one unit test every time they modify a program. During the process of writing a program, multiple unit tests are likely to be performed to confirm that the program meets the software specifications (
en: Specification) requires no bugs; although unit testing is not necessary, it is not bad either. This involves project management policy decisions.
Vim is a text editor developed from vi. It is particularly rich in functions that facilitate programming, such as code completion, compilation, and error jumping, and is widely used among programmers. Tied with Emacs
to become the favorite editor for users of Unix-like systems. The first version of Vim was released by Bram Moolenaar in 1991. The initial abbreviation was Vi
IMitation. As the functions continued to increase, the official name was changed to ViIMproved. It is now free software distributed under the open source code.
WordPress is a blog platform developed using the PHP language. Users can set up their own blogs on servers that support PHP and MySQL databases
Blog. WordPress can also be used as a content management system (CMS). WordPress is a free open source project, licensed under the GNU General Public License. The latest version is the official simplified Chinese version 3.0.5 released on February 24, 2011, and is available in multiple languages ??including English.
Cross-site scripting (often referred to as XSS) is a security vulnerability attack on website applications that allows malicious users to inject program code to the page, other users viewing the page will be affected. This type of attack usually involves HTML and user-side scripting languages.
Yahoo!UILibrary (YUI) is an open source JavaScript function library. In order to create a highly interactive web page, it uses AJAX, DHTML and DOM and other coding techniques. It also contains many CSS resources.
is a CSS property that sets the stacking order of elements. Elements with a higher stacking order will always appear in front of elements with a lower stacking order. This property sets the position of a positioned element along the z-axis, which is defined as the axis extending vertically into the display area. If it is a positive number, it is closer to the user, and if it is a negative number, it is further away from the user.